5 Time Saving Video Editing Tips in Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial - Sbk Edits Official

Monday, March 25, 2024

5 Time Saving Video Editing Tips in Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial



here's five quick time saving tips while editing in adobe premiere pro number one when you're playing back footage you can press l to double the playback speed so spacebar is start and stop but pressing l while it's playing goes to time speed and allows 


you to listen through to let's say a long podcast interview you could still understand what's being said but you don't have to spend twice as much time reviewing the footage you can just listen to it in double time and make your cuts and marks where you need to you can also keep going by pressing l multiple times and that will let you scan footage faster and you can even hold shift and l that will increase the playback speed in smaller increments than just two times additionally not as much used is pressing j that will begin playing the footage backwards 


i don't use that as much but double time playback speed especially if you're reviewing long talking segments will quite literally save you twice as much time reviewing and cutting footage next we have this little red arrow here or when you're placing a jpeg or something of that sort so i have this red arrow png if i drag this onto my layer on my timeline i can increase the scale or decrease it 


i can mess with the rotation and move the position around in the effect controls window under the motion effects and you know typically this is how you'll play something with these sliders but a much faster way and more intuitive to do things instead of the sliders is just highlight the motion tab here make sure you're in the program window and then you can just move and drag stuff around as if you were in photoshop or a program 


like that so you can shrink things like this you can rotate like this and it's just a lot quicker to drag and drop things or text or shapes without needing to do the x and y axis of sliders so this should be able to save you a lot of time not only can you do this for just like if you're let's say you're animating you can click on the keyframe here you can move around and then you can sort of do your animations in this way and you see this little blue line happens showing we're going to be moving from there to there you can also do this for a lot of different effects 


so let's say i am adding a crop effect onto this clip if i highlight the crop effect and make sure i'm in the program window again i can visually see things rather than having to do things with sliders so nothing wrong with sliders but just this visual cursor way can be really useful for certain things also bonus tip if you can't see the whole working window sometimes you can just zoom out like 50 and you can get access to those bounding box especially when you're working with masks or effects in this way tip number three this one might be something 


you're familiar with but if you're not it's probably one of the most useful is the ripple trim and ripple delete tools so let's say i just want to trim off this first portion of the clip normally you know you'd press c to activate the razor tool maybe you'd create some cuts press v to activate the select tool and then delete them now you have this gap in between the clips now notice i can actually click and highlight this gap and i can just delete it that's very useful that's the ripple delete tool but if i press command z and undo also a useful tip instead of sometimes having to just drag things back together snap them in place and that's happening 


because the snap in timeline the magnet tool is on you can turn that off if you don't want things to snap in place another thing you can do is just simply use the q and w keys on your keyboard so q will just trim the end of that clip and automatically move everything over and w will trim the other way so we'll trim forward and bring everything over uh sort of skipping over all two or three of those steps so q is to ripple delete or trim to the left w trims the right portion of the clip and moves everything over and if you ever have a large gap in your footage just highlighting that gap and pressing delete deletes it and moves everything over keep in mind that this v1 v2 track targeting 


whatever one of these is highlighted blue is what will be considered the trim over points or the point that things snap back into next up you might often find yourself having to fade in audio or fade out audio or fade between clips and one of the most useful tools that you're going to reach for is just simply right clicking on a clip and applying default transition for audio that's just a constant power 


so it'll just slowly fade out the audio and for video that's a cross dissolve so it'll just dissolve from one clip into the next and for like half of your transition needs you're just going to be either using a cut or a fade or a dissolve if you're not fading between clips let's say you're at the end of a clip it'll just fade out so it'll fade to black and you can see as i zoom into the timeline this little yellow piece of tape i can extend it to make it longer or shorter and if you're ever in the effect controls panel you can adjust the placement of it between clips 


so in this case it fades to black that can be a really useful tool and a shortcut for that is just command d if you highlight the clip and press command d it'll apply the default transition if you highlight a bunch of clips and press command d it will create default transitions in between all of them also a little bonus in the video transitions folder in the effects panel you can actually choose any one of these to be the defaults so you see right 


now cross dissolve has this blue box around it that means that's the default but let's say i wanted to do dip to black i can right click and set that as the default and that will be the new default transition for video of course lastly while we're in the effects controls panel another really useful way to save time is to create presets of whatever effects that you often use so i have a whole tutorial on how to create a preset and on my channel i have hundreds of effects and transition tutorials step by step that you could turn into presets 


so for example i have a whole transitions pack on my website where you can just drag and drop these presets on your clips and it will automatically create transitions for you so you have two options there you can go through my tutorials learn how to save presets save presets of your own or if you just want to skip all that i've already went through all hundreds of my best tutorials and effects and packaged them down into my preset packs and effects packs which are available on my website shop justinodisho shop 


if you just want to save time get all of my dozens of effects and transitions and just import them in and start drag and dropping and not have to watch and create presets my name is justin odisho you can check out hundreds of more free tutorials on my playlist with more tips thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video


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