How to Make a Vintage Style Poster in illustrator & photoshop - Sbk Edits Official

Saturday, March 23, 2024

How to Make a Vintage Style Poster in illustrator & photoshop



welcome back to design Smith today I'm going to show you how to recreate this vintage style poster using a combination of techniques from Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop before we get started please consider subscribing to support the channel okay so there's a few things that we need to notice about this posture really quickly before we get started and that is it's made up of a very simple gradient background and the text in this is most likely hand drawn 


so it's not an actual font that actually existed at the time but what we can do is use a combination of techniques and specific types of fonts in order to achieve this effect so right now I'm in Photoshop but we need to get started in illustrator okay so I went ahead and dropped this into illustrator and I've mapped this to an artboard that's probably closest to 18 by 27.


 so that's what I've done here now in terms of the text we have a combination of a couple of different things here this down here is going to be a nice condensed version of the type which is very tall and also very skinny and then when we move to each block of text it changes just a little bit as you can see it's a little bit chunkier right here a little bit thinner right here and now it goes more to a regular weight in these top three right here so for the sake of time I'm not going to harp too much on the specific widths of the type here


 I'm just going to try to recreate the effect as closely as I can and again for the sake of time we are going to use the most professional font website on the internet def hopefully you heard the dripping sarcasm okay so what we want to do is we want to go over here to fancy eroded this is going to give us the closest look that we're going for in the type without having to do too much of modification on the text and keep in mind not every font on here is free to use 


so if you're going to be using this for commercial purposes this is what I recommend that you do go over here to more options click on public domain do not click on 100% free display 200 fonts and display size large and click on submit and as you can see it took us down to one page so we don't really have a lot of options here however Victor is a really good font right here so let's go ahe and download that and again if you want to use a different category of font that's totally fine just go in and find what you're wanting to use for the poster that you're making heavy equipment is also a good one but it's a little bit too quirky for what we're trying to recreate today 


so for this video I'm going to stick with Victor all right I've got Victor installed and let's go ahead and map out some of the type here and in situations like this whenever we're recreating this feel free to manipulate the type if you want to all right as you can see here in the type there's a little bit of a baseline shift from letter to letter so if you want to change that then all you have to do is select the letter and go over here to the Baseline height and you can set whatever shift you want to do there I don't really care too much I think it looks perfectly fine all right 


so once you have all of your texts exactly as you want it go ahead and select all of it and hit shift command o or shift control o on Windows and that will convert everything to outlines and I'm going to go in here to the word another ungroup all of the letters here and I'm just going to move some of these and just kind of scale them a little bit differently like I said I'm not too worried about it but I don't want the word another to be so crazy different another thing I'm not going to worry about is making sure that all of the words are exactly centered onto the artboard I think that when there's a little bit of a shift gives it more of an organic feeling 


so I'm just going to leave it exactly as it is however one thing I am going to do is Select everything and I'm going to double click on my color and as you'll see right here this is at 100% black what we want to do is raise this up to about 10% black and the reason for that is because we're going to be applying effects to this in Photoshop and if it's 100% black those effects will not show up so now let's select everything hit copy now we're going to go here into Photoshop and create a new document 


I'm going to say 18 by 20 27 at full resolution and now I'm going to hit paste and click on Smart object and hit okay and now that's exactly the size that I want it to be so I'm going to go ahead and hit enter on my keyboard and now what I'm going to do is click and drag this over to here and the reason I'm doing that is because I want to copy the colors that are here so I'm going to go down here to the background and click on solid color and that's just going to give me a black solid color layer 


I'm going to leave it exactly as it is and hit okay and now I'm going to double click on this color fill and that's going to bring up our layer Styles and we're going to go right here to gradient overlay and we're going to leave our blend mode at normal and opacity at 100% so let's go right here and click on the gradient and we need to add a couple of stops here since we have three colors I'm going to add a few more stops and it's also going to depend on exactly the look that we're going for but in general I'm going to do about two stops per color 


so let's double click on the first one and you can just color drop right here that little little pink color and we'll do the exact same thing here but we're going to come down to about where it's right here just to give it a little bit of a shift now I'm going to come down here to Yellow do the same thing here and now let's click somewhere in here to get the start of that blue and now we'll get all the way down to the bottom and as you can see this is actually upside down from what we want so all we have to do is click on reverse and we'll make sure that our angle is at 90° and our scale is at 100 and just hit okay and now we can hide this layer cutz we don't really need it anymore all right 


so here we are we're done right no we're not done remember we're trying to make this look authentic so there's a few things that we need to do to make it look aged and distorted and the font here already has the distorted piece mostly taken care of but there's a few other things that we can do the first thing I'm going to do is drop this paper overlay right here so we're going to go up here to the top I'm going to go ahead and Center this and we'll rotate this this be vertical and now I'm going to hold down option and shift or alt and shift on Windows and we're going to cover the entire area right here with this paper and because this beige color already exists in the paper it's already got that aged element to it .


so I'm not going to change the color of it but I am going to change the blending mode and we're just going to kind of play around with it and see what's going to work best color burn is very nice cuz it's got that very vibrant look to it and after cycling through all of them I think that color bur is going to be the best looking one but one thing that we need to do is slightly fade it and we're just going to do that by lowering the opacity so down to about 80% looks good to me and this text is looking far too clean so let's go ahead and make a couple of changes here first thing


 i'm going to do is go up here to filter distort and displace and because we've already got some Distortion in the text I'm only going to do a horizontal and a vertical scale of two and you can just leave these to the default settings and let's make sure that we have stretch to fit and repeat Edge pixels and hit okay in my resources folder I have this ink sms.


 PSD and I'll link to that down in the description so you can download it and just click on open and now it's going to displace those pixels by two pixels using that displacement filter and as you can see here's the before and here's the after it's just giving it that slight bit of distortion around the edges of the text to make sure that it doesn't look too clean all right there's two more things that we need to do here I'm going to double click on my Vector smart object and I want the background of this poster to slightly show through that text so we're going to do a blend if in this area and we're going to leave it to gray


 I'm going to leave the current layer alone and we're going to go down here to the underlying layer and I'm going to hold down option or alt on my keyboard and just select that left arrow and we're just going to bring it down to about right here where you can start to see that fade coming in you'll notice it mostly in the lighter areas so we'll just leave it at 190 that looks good to me and the last thing we're going to do here is add a Gaussian blur so let's go to filter blur and Gaussian blur and three pixels will probably look good let's zoom in and see how it looks all right that's looking really good okay


 so there's one thing that we need to mask here and we've got some banding going on so look at these horizontal bars is going across here this is actually a result of using the blend if feature but it's not a big deal so what we're going to do is go up to the top layer we're going to add a new layer and just type in Grain and let's hit shift delete on our keyboard and we'll fill it with 50% gray and hit okay now we're going to go up here to filter camera raw filter and we're going to increase the grain all the way up to 100 and the roughness 


I'm going to bring it up to about a 70 and I'll leave the size at 25 and I want to add a slight vignette around here - 255 is usually a good one and hit enter and now we've got a nice consistent grain going across our entire art piece and now we'll just change the blending mode to Overlay and as you can see we still have the slight banding going on there but it's not nearly as obvious because we have the grain there all right let's take a look at these side by side and the first thing that jumps out to me is that this is a lot more saturated than the one that we had before so if you want that more faded look and not too saturated


 what you can do is add an adjustment layer and we'll go up here to Hue and saturation and make sure it's at the top of everything and now we'll just bring the saturation down maybe to about -30 or so and you can play with these however you want to you can even change the colors by going in here and changing the Hue so if you want a completely different look you can go whatever Direction you want to go in and you can even go some in like this this is kind of got some Rob Zombie Halloween Vibes or something but I'll just leave it at zero 


so definitely take these techniques and play with them a little bit do whatever you want with them to make whatever style you're going for and come up with something that's going to work perfectly for your project well I hope this video was useful to you if you wouldn't mind please consider subscribing to support the channel and I'll see you next time bye-bye


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