Hello everybody welcome back another quick video in this one we're in cap cut for desktop and I am going to show you how to color grade your footage for free there's no plugins there's no nothing here going to show you how to do it for free and I'm going to show you using three methods I'm going to show you how to do it using adjustments
how to do it using curves and then how to add in quick filters to take it over the top to show you that I know what I'm talking about here is the original footage here if I just move this slider here look at this this is awful footage everything is literally the same color it's just terrible there's like there's no colors in it and then if I move the slider to the right here well look at that we've got three different styles here I've got a nice brighter version and then you'll see here in this one here I darkened up the the ocean a little bit and the corners
I've got vignettes in the corner to draw your eye into the middle and then I even did an orange and stylish type style over here on this little birdie if I click on the bird here this is a better piece of footage this is the original footage it's not very good and then after color grading well look at that we've got a nice cool orange teal action look I'm going to show you to do this for free it'll take just a couple minutes let's go all right let's get cooking so the first step here is there's nothing on my timeline
now let's get cooking and start making some changes all right here we go let's cook all right so the first step make sure you're selected on the top video track then on the right side you're going to see video audio speed animation we don't want any of those what you want to do is you either want to click on these two arrows to get to adjustment or if you see adjustment just click on it when you do that you'll see curves hsl and basic hsl is highlight and saturation lightness but the first thing is we're going to go on basic and because I am basic just kidding
I'm not that basic we're going to go ahead and make some very quick changes and this is often all you need to do to get a nice quick and dirty uh color adjustment so here we go I'm going to go ahead and increase the decrease the temperature part of me quite a bit and you'll see here by just pulling the slider we've gone ahead and added in some blue into the sky and into the ocean kind kind of like
what we want now this isn't even as blue as I'd like it to go but there we go we're going to start off with this I'm going to put some green Aqua looking into this so I pulled the tint down again depending on the type of footage that you have you can adjust this as you see fit and I'm just going to increase the saturation a bit cuz I like bright colors because I'm a simple man now as I go down here under lightness you've got all of these different ones you can play with I would normally increase the exposure just a little bit I would increase the contrast cont a little bit even though you will see that we are losing some of that blue that's okay
we're going to add that back in in a second I'm going to go ahead and adjust the whites down a little uh let's see something like that oh no that's not enough something like that and then I'm going to play with the blacks a bit here uh I'm going to pull that down a little bit that sounded weird and uh there we go so Brilliance I'll increase it again this is just me messing around with it you know getting it to where I like it the one thing I do like to add in though is a vignette so I'm going to add in a slight vignette of about five and what that did is it added in some shadows in the corners and that draws your eye into the video
so it kind of pulls your eyes into the middle so that's looking okay so far now this is why I have a second piece of footage underneath it in the exact same spot cuz when I turn this eyeball on and off you'll see this is the original this is the revised footage with the vignette and the color changes now I'm going to show you a second technique to dial it in and get it a even better all right so the next step is we're going to go over here and we're going to go from basic we're going to switch over to Curves and every guy likes curves uh for color grading and other things
so here we go there are four curves and very briefly the Luma curve is brightness Luma means luminance which means brightness and then there's the red the green and the blue and all of these curves can be manipulated now for the brightness I like the brightness of this shot so I'm going to leave that alone for the red curve here and it's nice and colored red so you can't really get it wrong you'll notice that when I hover the mouse over you'll see that it allows us to add a point or add a beat so on the line here I'm going to add one in the middle somewhere around here and watch this I'm just going to pull this up and that makes the water red
so if you're doing a Jaws movie for example and then if I pull it down it adds in that nice turquoises green color so I'm going to go ahead and add that in there I'm going to go down to the blue or actually let's go to the green one next here let's do the the green and then I can move a point up if I want green water and if I want some of that cool looking Bluer water for example I'll pull it down a little bit and again
Guys these are just up to you completely but I'm just sort of dialing in the colors that I like and I'll add a point on the blue one watch this I pull it down I get that drab color but if I pull it up we get that really cool looking blue sea now again these are totally up to you once you've pulled them up you can go ahead and keep adjusting them as you see fit I might yeah I like the blue c although I also like the green uh let's go with a blue c for this one okay so there we go we've gone ahead and added in some curves feel free to adjust these as you see fit it's very subtle stuff now I'm going to show you how to put filters on this to dial it in and finish it up all right
so the next step here is I'll just do a quick comparison just to show you where we've gotten so far so again this is the original footage it's terrible and now here is the revised footage it's looking pretty good although the sea is kind of blending a little bit in with the sky more than I'd like so let's go ahead and do a final third step on the top making sure you're selected on the top footage we're now going to go up here and go to the filters option and under filters we get a whole bunch of different color filters now I'm going to go hover on a few of them some of them you know you may get one lucky that you want here this one's actually not too bad ghost but the one that I'm looking for is down here
let's see where it is it is orange and blue and obviously this is way too much but I'm going to go ahead and drag this filter onto video track three so it is on top of the footage and then I'm going to just drag it out all the way across now you're going to be like hey you ruin the footage and you'd be right but look at this up here at the right you'll see here that under filters we can dial this in so we can take it off completely or I can just start to move the slider a little bit here and then maybe up the intensity for the orange blue so maybe something that might be a bit too much something like that maybe and then if we've got it kind of like where we want it
so we've got a Bluer sea we've got nice bright orange colors in the boats here the sky is nice and blue we've got a vignette if we turn off the top two layers we've got our original footage then we've got adjusted and then we've got it with a filter applied this is pretty darn good you can always go back in and make adjustments so if I go back to basic and I decide that that's too blue I can pull some blue out or I could put some blue in tint it as I see fit but there you go Go Guys these are the three techniques you need to know to color grade inside cap cut completely for free thank you for watching
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