After Effects 2024 - How To Remove A Person Or Object From Your Video - Sbk Edits Official

Monday, June 3, 2024

After Effects 2024 - How To Remove A Person Or Object From Your Video



hello everyone welcome back to another After Effects tutorial in this one we're going to do some AI magic and I'm going to show you how to take a shot like this where this guy is vacuuming the forest which reminds me if you see mushrooms in the forest don't eat them you never know but we're going to see something like this where he's vacuuming and we're going to remove him just like this here's 


the finished composition if I hit play he's no longer in the video and it looks very believable and I'll show you the last frame here you'll see here that we've actually masked him out punched him out literally and used content to wear fill I'm going to show you how to do this in just a couple minutes let's go all right here we go so I've got a blank new project Adobe After Effects and I'm in the default workspace just like this just the first thing you'll probably see


 I'm going to go into finder if you're on a PC go into your Windows Explorer grab the footage that you want to work with just like I've got here and then just drag it and drop it into the project panel once it's in the project panel next drag it and drop it on top of new composition and Presto you can also rightclick on the the video here and go new comp from selection either or works okay


 so the next step here is I'm just going to move my playhead to the beginning here to make sure it's at the 0 seconds and what you want to do now is you want to draw a mask around the object the subject the item whatever you're trying to remove from the scene so in this case I've got uh this guy vacuuming the forest with his Hello Kitty Dyson whatever the hell is going on here so here we go the next step here is you're going to go up here to your pen tool if you have a like a an object or a subject that's like square or a shape you can use one of the shape tools but here 


we go making sure your playhead is at the beginning I'm just going to draw a very loose mask around the subject here and again this is very very loose it's on purpose because I don't want to show I'm not going to do a tutorial on masking I just want to show you the basic technique and then you guys can go in as you see fit so you'll see here I've drawn the mask and if I maybe I'll move that out a little bit more just so that we've got some extra room here and and there's a fair bit of room around it so there we go now the next step here is in your uh panel down here you want to go ahead and drop this triangle down 


go to masks drop masks down and you're going to see mask one what you want to do now is for the meantime or for the meanwhile here we want to switch that from an add mask to none so that way we can see the mask and we can see the background everything is in frame we can see what's up next we're going to want to move this mask let me show you how to do that okay good stuff so this mask is not moving at the moment it is a static mask and we don't want that because this person here as you can see here when I move the playhead he moves over time it's video and it's not an image 


so it's quite different so what you want to do is we want to go on that mask again we've switched it from uh add to none we're going to keep dropping it down here and you're going to see something that says mask path click on that stopwatch right here when you do that now the mask is animated so we can move it over time so here's what we're going to do I'm going to be at the 0 second here I'm just going to move it forward a couple of frames and then you'll see somewhere around here this this little um the vacuum end here is starting to come over the mask line 


so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the video track right here you don't want to click on the mask click on the video track like I've done here and then make sure you've got the pen tool selected and now you can just move these points so I'm just going to move these points nice and simply and again this is just not required if you have a St object that doesn't move but because mine is moving I'm just making sure that the mask is around the subject completely with a little bit of extra room let's go forward a little bit and here we go so this at this uh area we want to move this one up this area here this one up this one up and again you'll see here I'll do this really quickly here I don't want to spend too much time masking it


 so you just get the point and I'll move this down and then we'll go forward a couple of frames to maybe here and and then we'll move this in and then we can even move this guy and these ones in a little bit cuz they're kind of way out there so this is the general gist of it I'll do one more here somewhere around here and I'll move this down I'll move this down and here we go we've got about a second and a half or so of footage that's enough for the technique now I'm just going to go ahead and if you wanted to do this for the whole clip you can just keep doing this process over and over I'm going to go ahead and grab this work area end button here this little bar and I'm just going to hold down the shift key and I'm going to bring it in and the reason why is I'm just going to constrict this to the second and a half or two seconds that we've got here


 so I'm going to go to composition and now I'm going to go to trim comp to work area so the mask now is only working for the second and a half or so that we've got here so let's just go ahead and see what we got here's the original shot and I'll just move it forward and you'll see that I've gone ahead and moved the mask so that uh it's kind of around the person quite nicely now let's go on to the next step all righty so here we go go so now we've gone ahead make sure the playhead is at the beginning here let's do a couple of quick things on the mask we're going to switch it from none 


now we're going to set switch it to subtract and look at this we basically popped a hole in it so you can see the transparency in the background if you don't see these white and gray dots you can go over here and toggle the transparency grid with this button right here and it just basically shows you what we're working with and that this is in fact not a black background but a transparent background which will render uh with an Alpha channel so it's very important so there we go we've basically punched a hole out now we want to go up here to window and then we want to go down to Content aware fill I'm going to make sure that this is selected and for me it has gone ahead and added it on the right side here so as you'll see here I click on that content towar fill it defaults with an alpha expansion of about four


 I'm just going to move that up to six and then the other thing here is you get some fill methods you can have object which is like 95% of the time what you want to use search surface if you're working with you know surfaces if you've got a logo for example on a laptop that you're trying to remove and the same with Edge blend I'll make separate videos on those topics um also if the lighting changes in the video a lot you can go ahead and select uh lighting uh correction but in this case you don't need to so there


 we go we're going to go ahead and leave that as is now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a reference frames I'm going to click this button here and it's basically going to create a shot in Photoshop and that when I go back into After Effects look at this you'll see here now there's a reference frame on top now don't worry about that right now we just wanted to click that the next and the most important point is we want to click on generate fill layer this is going to do the magic for us it's going to start doing some an analysis and some thinking when it's done I'll come back and I'll show you what we got all right welcome back


 so here's what we got now look at this I'm just going to move the play to the beginning make sure I'll hit play and look at that this is perfect that person has been completely removed and if you hide the layers here you'll see here there's the there's the cutout and then bang here is the original shot so I'll double click on the original video here this is him doing his thing vacuuming it up and then if we go back into the composition and I'll turn the layers back on we have it now all you got to do file export it is done this is Magic After Effects thanks for watching


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