How To Remove Background In Capcut PC - Two Methods - Tutorial - Sbk Edits Official

Sunday, June 2, 2024

How To Remove Background In Capcut PC - Two Methods - Tutorial



Hello everybody welcome back another cap cut tutorial in this one I'm going to show you how to remove backgrounds from your video and I'm going to show you two different ways to do it the first method is a more traditional style where you get some green screen footage like I've got here and then we remove the green using chroma key 


I want to note up front here that cap cut and its green screen functionality is free to use so there's no charge on this the second method involves Ai and this is simple background removal I say simple but involves very complex AI to do this but I'm going to show you how to do that and we're going to take this lady here and we're going to put a fun background in behind her both of these methods are included in the free plan 


let's go all right so before we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty I just want to quickly note here that this video is sponsored by skillshare recently I've been wanting to update and upgrade my video editing game and the way I did that was to go to skillshare and I took a couple of their cap cut classes I did a beginner's class and then I did an advanced class that I can do some of these techniques that I'm going to show you including the two in this video 


I found these courses on skillshare the largest online learning community for creatives like you and me and they have thousands of classes led by industry experts across film illustration design freelance productivity and more this summer invest in yourself and your goals by starting a Learning Journey with skillshare and take your career skills or side hustle to the next level all right if you're looking to upgrade your skills like I am I've got a link for you just click on the link in the description below and you'll receive a one month free trial of skillshare all right let's get cooking all right 


so the first thing I'm going to show you is this technique here you'll see we've got some stock footage of some TVs against the wall then all of a sudden one of the TVs has some cool 80s sci-fi Miami Vice Motion Graphics inside of it how do to do that let's start from scratch and go all right so there's nothing on the timeline let's get cooking here so the first step go to import up here at the top left and under stock materials I'm going to show you how to use pre-built footage and content that they've already got included in it if you have your own footage that you want to work with go ahead and import it as you see fit but I'm going to show you


 how to do it just using their built-in stock stuff okay so under stock materials I'm going to go ahead and type in TV when I do that I'm going to hit enter and watch this you're going to see a whole bunch of different options now instead of going type No Limit I'm going to go type video because I want a video background so here we go look at this one here this is I think this is the same one actually there we go there we go I'm going to grab this one and then I'm just going to go ahead and put that into the timeline right there at the bottom now the next step is I'm going to click on it and I'm going to move it up one


 so I want this to be on the second video track and there's one underneath it okay hopefully you're following along with me piece of cake now I'm just going to go ahead and click on that X and I want to add in the footage I want in the background so again I'm going to go ahead and let's look under trending what do we want to star in this video so we've got the green screen TV and then under underneath it let's go ahead and do the same thing I'm going to go with let's go with this one here this looks pretty cool yeah I like that let's go ahead and drag then drop that underneath the green screen footage okay there we go so nothing has happened yet that's okay the next step 


I'm going to go and click on the top footage here and then I'm just going to grab the handle on the far right and I'm just going to make them both the same length nice and easy now making sure you're clicked on the top screen this is where the magic comes we're going to go up here to the top right right and then you'll see we have a few options I'm going to click on video make sure you're on the video tab then go ahead and go to remove BG that means remove background and when you do that I'll just increase the size a little bit here we get two options we get Auto removal and we get chroma key there is a custom removal but that is a paid feature and I'm sticking to the free stuff for this one


 so I'm now going to click on the little check boox beside chroma key nothing happens yet not to panic I'm now going to go ahead and click on that ey dropper hold it down and look at that when I hover over the green on the TV you'll see here that it has gone ahead and basically taken away the green that said if you look very closely at the edges here there's still some green it's kind of spilled over on the top and the left a little bit so what I'm going to do is I'm going to increase the intensity a little bit and as I do that you'll see the green sort of Retreats away and it becomes perfect so that's just the way to do it you can increase the shadow a bit too if you see fit but in this case it looks like we got a good green screen


 let's make sure the play heads at the beginning hit play look at that it's pretty darn cool now the one thing I will note here is we can go ahead and turn the top track off and when we do that you'll see here we've got the bottom track we can change the size of this so if I click on it and I go back to video and I go back to basic there's a couple ways to do this I'm just going to change this scale down to something about TV size so I'm going to go with something like that let's say turn the top layer back on and then look at this I'm just going to go ahead and slowly move this in here maybe it's a bit too big here


 I'm going to pull the handles something like that now let's see what we got that is a very cool effect and we did that in just a few seconds using their chroma key functionality for free let's get into the second technique all right the second technique is how you can do the same thing but without any green screen let me show you here's the original shot of the grandma she looks like a regular Grandma cooking making mashed potatoes but here's the thing this is this Grandma was actually made with open AI Sora this is a completely AI generated video straight up 100% check it out


 now to kind of keep with that theme we took away the background and then we put some Matrix scary AI in the background because that sort of fits with it so how did I do that let me show you here start from scratch all right here we go we got a blank timeline this will be very very quick the first step I'm going to go into my finder if you're on a PC you may want to use your Explorer and just grab the video that you're looking to add in this one here is is called sora Grandma I'm just going to drag and import that in as you see here now I'm going to take it and put it on my timeline just like that the next step


 I'm going to grab the footage here and I'm going to move it up a track so it's on the second track we're going to leave the track below it empty so there you go if you don't have any footage just grab something out of the stock materials here uh I don't know you can just search for somebody you know cooking or cleaning or whatever it is you want it to be now the next step is we got to put some footage under underneath Grandma here so I'm going to go ahead and under stock material I'm just going to type in Matrix then I'm going to hit enter when I do that you get a whole bunch of different options


 now I'm going to go ahead and click on No Limit and restrict it to videos cuz I don't want any photos I want this to be video stuff and the one that we were going with well let's see what we got here there's a whole bunch of different options let's go with this one here this is the one we used before I like it even though it's scary as hell I'm going to grab that and I'm going to slide that underneath our original footage of the grandma now I'm just going to go ahead and pull the right handle here on the right side so that they're both the same length now the next step is very very easy making sure you're clicked on the original shot here or this video track two of the grandma or whatever you're using I'm going to go up here to the top right and I'm going to see video


 I'm going to go to remove background and then I'm going to click on auto removal this is fantastic it's going to go ahead and cook it up and look at that we've already done it but I'm going to go ahead and move her now so I'm going to maybe move her to the right side something like that and then also I'm going to grab one of these handles and I'm going to scale her down a little bit because you'll see here that it even got rid of a little bit of her stomach here it's just sort of like the top torso so it maybe it went a little bit too far but that's okay we'll do something like that we'll put Grandma right here maybe something like that cooking up some mashed


Now let's see what we got I'll just hit play yep there we go looks pretty good kind of scary stuff I will note here there are a few other things you can do if you want to put a stroke around her for example you can click on that button here and there we go we've got that white stroke that you see in so many YouTube thumbnails this one's a little bit less of a stroke you can adjust it here the size the color if you wanted a yellow stroke for example you can go ahead and select yellow and there you go and also there's a little bit of offset and some this looks like a like a mystery movie where you know we've got this weird uh dotted version but there you go guys this is all there is to it to removing backgrounds in cap cut thanks for watching

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