Hello everybody welcome back another AI video in this one we're in Flora 13.3 and I've got something very cool to show you I am going to show you how to create amazing composite videos just like this using AI functionality built into filora 13 the first step is we're going to get some green screen footage and then we're going to use their AI chroma key functionality to pull out the green and just leave the subject after that we're going to create a background using their AI image an AI art generator in this case
I've got a cyberpunk background but you can of course create a background to your choosing after that we're going to create the music to go with the video they have an AI audio or an AI music generator inside flora and I'm going to show you all the different ways you can create background music to go with it and then finally I'm going to show you a little bit of color correction so that you can make sure that the video the green screen footage the or the subject matches the background
so to speak so there's just a couple of steps here guys I'm going to show them all to you step by step let's go all right excellent so the first step is we're going to work with the green screen footage now there's two ways you can go about this you can add in your own footage which I'll do right here I'm on a Mac so I'm going to click on finder and then I'm going to open up my filora 13 folder I'm just going to grab this green screen footage and drag it and drop it right into project media it's going to ask me and it did ask me if I want to create a proxy file I do not want that because I have a very fast computer
so uh I can work with high def resolution pretty quickly here but if you've got a slower computer consider using a proxy now if you don't have any green screen footage very simple all you got to do here is go up to stock media and they've got green screen footage ready to go right here so under trending already you can see that I've got this green screened explosion here I've got this uh curtains opening up like there's a whole bunch of different green screen stuff that you can select right out of the box right out of the right from Thora
now I happen to know that I like this one here it's called cat robot and I'm going to type that in here and check this out they've got a green screen cat robot so let's go ahead and use this one I'm going to drag and drop this into the timeline and then Presto it's going to add it that's step one now we're going to chroma key it all right so to remove the green color cast or the green green screen that's a lot of greens super easy to do in film all you got to do is go up here to the top right under video and then switch it from basic to AI tools once you do that you're going to see the chroma key toggle
now 99 out of 100 times all you need to do is just click this button and the background is gone if it is not perfectly gone it's not to worry about right now because I'm going to show you how to fine-tune it once we get a background AI image in there and we can go into the next step so right now the green screen's gone let's create a background image okay the next step is to just grab the footage in the timeline just click on it left click on it and then push it up so that it's in video track too the reason we're doing this very quickly is because because we're putting in background AI generated image in behind it
so you have to have the green screen on the top track and then the image in behind it once you've done that I'm now going to go ahead and I'm going to go and click on stock media and under stock media you'll see a whole bunch of options the one that we want is AI image click on that little triangle and then you're going to see one that says tool this is what we want because this is where we generate the AI images so I'm going to go ahead and now click on start and when I do that you're see is going to load up the AI image beta
now very quickly here there are three aspect ratios right out of the box that you can use I'm going to use 16 by 9 because this is a wide screen but if you were doing YouTube shorts you would want to go with 916 now I'm going to describe the image that I want to create so I uh this is a we're going to do a cyberpunk cyberpunk dystopia with buildings and um I don't know people in the background something like that very simple it it it doesn't really really matter I'm just going to go ahead and create that image before I do that though you'll notice that we have some default image Styles keep in mind you can always describe exactly what you want but these image Styles here are kind of nice because if you know you're looking for something like
I'm looking for cyberpunk it's really just one click here and it's going to automatically give the cyberpunk objectives or adjective so to speak so there we go I'm going to now go ahead and click on start creating I'll come back when it's done show you the candidates and then we'll input it in and then we'll get to the next step all right welcome back so it has gone ahead and created four candidate images for me so let's just click on them real quickly here first one second one third one fourth one so which one okay I like this one here CU I think we can sneak our little cat robot in here and we'll color correct it to make it look like it belongs in the scene so this is proper looking cyberpunk AI image generation looks great
I'm going to go ahead and click on this little down arrow because it's very important this is going to go ahead and load it into my stock AI generated folder I'm going to click out of this now okay I'm going to close all this I don't need to go through that and now look here you'll see here I'm going to show it to you under Library oh pardon me we're going to go AI image generated here it is right here aigc cyberpunk dystopia I'm going to click on that image and then I'm just going to drag it right underneath the cat robot and look at that our cat robot is now in this scene of course it's not properly scaled and colored yet but you'll see where we're going with this finally I'm going to grab this image here and I'm just going to pull on the handle a little bit
so that they're both the same size all right let's get to the next step all right so that took just a few seconds here and it has gone ahead and created six songs just like it said it would so here they are you'll see it said it says right here generated six of six results let's listen to the first one all right pretty cool it's kind of low beat orchestral let's go down and listen the next one okay all right so I really like that one so I'm going to go ahead and click on the download of course if this was a you know my own project and it wasn't a tutorial I would probably listen to all of the rest of them but again I know that one's really really good
so again I hit the download button and now it's been added to the project now let's go ahead and close out of that just like I did here and let's just go ahead and put that track in let me show you how all right adding in the track is a piece of cake I'm going to go from the tool I'm going to click on music and then I'm just going to go ahead and click on where is it AI music generated that's the one and there you go the top one here is epic cinematic let's listen to it again perfect that's the one I wanted I'm just going to left click on that and I'm going to drag that onto the audio track just like that now I want to note here that the audio may be a little bit loud if you're doing a cinematic type scene
so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and pull down the audio a little bit here so I'm going to click on the audio track I'm going to go up here to the top and then you'll see here under adjustment that I could just pull this volume knob down a little bit I'm going to go ahead and do that just because I want this to be a more subtle and muted sound as opposed to in your face Presto finally I'm going to grab the right edge of this track here and I'm just going to pull it in so they're all the same length now if we hit play let's take a listen and see what we got all right this could be all you need to do we've got our robot in a dystopian scene all of this is AI image generated green key if you want a color correct
I'm going to show you how to do that in about 30 seconds let's go all right last but not least is the color correction and we're just going to scale the robot down a little bit so it looks like it belongs more in the uh video here so the first step I'm going to click on the green screen footage or the robot footage and then under basic you'll see transform these are linked together at the moment so I'm going to go ahead and decrease the scale if I decrease the X it also decreases the Y so it width and height both scale proportionally if you do not want that just click on this lock button and it will go ahead and you can adjust height and width independently in this case
I don't want to so I'm going to go ahead and maybe make something like that what do you think let's make him a little smaller or her a little smaller cuz it's a subtle thing here we're going to put them right about here so there we go that's the decrease in size now let's fix up the colors a little bit I'm going to go ahead and makeing sure I'm still on the same track I'm going to go up here to the top and then video audio color and then all you need to do is just make sure that this color tab is turned on and then look here you'll see tinting Vibrance saturation all these tools
I know that this is cyberpunk and it all goes towards the purplish and pinkish and light blue teal temperature so I'm going to just go ahead and tint it a little here so you'll see here I'm turning up the tint and already you can see what's happening the robot is turning nice and purplish and then I'm going to pull the tint or the temperature down to get it a little bit cool here so we've got purple in the robot and we've got some cool Blues in the hands which matches the color so far I'm going to go ahead and turn the Vibrance up a little bit I'll saturate it a little more and again
you can do this as you see fit if you want it to be more in the shot and you can increase the exposure if you want it to be a little subtler like for example you just want them sort of hanging out there but not really being the center of attention you can pull the exposure down things like this just adjust this as you see fit I like to increase the contrast so that there's a nice contrast and then Presto this little robot here has some of the purplish and the bluish reflection on him and because it's made of metal it you would expect it to be um you know the light would be kind of reflecting on him
so something like that and then just adjust this as you see fit Shadows Etc and prestol there you go we've gone ahead and added in through AI we've got green screen footage we've kind of pulled out the green screen we've got an AI image generated background we've got AI audio included we've color corrected it this is how you make a amazing composite video in inside filora 13 using their AI tools thanks for watching
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