Hello everybody welcome back another AI video in this one we're in aiv what a great name guys this could be one of the best if not the best AI video production tools AI video apps for those of you that like to create longer videos especially if you're a shorts maker on Tik Tok or YouTube this app has it all guys it's absolutely amazing
you can literally take a simple word prompt or a simple description and turn it into a profession quality video in minutes and you can change everything you can edit it with text and text alone so we're talking scripts visuals voiceovers effects all of that just type in what you want you're going to get it and for those you that run multiple channels in different niches I know a lot of you guys and gals out there are creating lots of this content this app can go ham
I'm going to show you all of this stuff in just a few short seconds let's get into it all right here we go so the first step head over to aiv links in the description below and also guys all the videos you saw running behind me and you're going to see behind me they were all created with aiv yes it's that good guys it's pretty wild also if you have a suggestion an idea or anything like that leave a comment let me know guys I speak to their team all the time and I'll pass it along so there we go guys to sign up and get going all you need to do click in the top right click on sign in and it's going to ask you to sign up with your Google account or you can sign up with an email address click on continue and off you go once
you're signed in well that's where we start cooking let's get into that now all right once you signed in you should see a screen that looks like this you'll note here that I've done a whole bunch of videos already so I've got a whole bunch of things I can show you and I'm going to show you a few of them they are absolutely wild and they're in so many different styles they're really really good one of the thing I should mention actually right here is they don't get all Nanny like and censor you so I did videos about some darker stuff if you're one of those True Crime types and you want to do like Jack the Ripper or those types of things you can do all that here you can also do cute fluffy French Bulldogs which I like to do as well
so it's all here guys lots to choose from so to get started let's go ahead and create one from scratch I'm going to click on the plus sign here and then boom it's going to open up you're going to see here we get three templates that said we can make a custom version ourselves so if you want to try one of these three types you can quickly quickly see here pardon me explain a concept this heat shielding one explain a concept is excellent so is digital marketing I'm not a product marketer but if I had a Shopify store and I did e-commerce I would use product marketing
so let's go ahead and create a custom one but do keep in mind that they have these pre-built templates and they have their own Styles and they're really really good so here we go create custom click on that plus then I'm going to click on next and now watch this it's going to load up and you're going to see here this is the back end we can do a whole bunch of stuff here let's go through it line by line I'm going to show this to you here we go all right here we go so let's get cooking here so the first thing you're going to see at the top left script or topic and they are quite different and they are both fantastic
let me give you some examples here if you have your own script or maybe you've used a tool like chat GPT to write a script just copy and paste it in or just type it out and you'll see here I've got an example did you know that Jack the Ripper might not have been just one person okay fair enough I've got this Jack the Ripper script and you know True Crime is a huge huge vertical on YouTube right now so yeah let's go with the True Crime style so there you go now I will note here that if ipe that script in or paste it
when I do my video the video and the audio is going to be verbatim every single word in there is going to be said this was not an idea this is a Verbatim script and it will go ahead and render that script that is the first option the second option is topic watch this I can go concept I Don't Know Jack the Ripper and then I can go five give me let's go five things the public doesn't know about Jack about Jack the Ripper something like that okay whatever there we go we got some cool scary stuff in there five things the public generally doesn't know I mean maybe a few people do all right
I could do that I could click on that it will write a script for me just like that it will go ahead and create if I create a a 2 and 1/ half minute video it will write a 2 and 1 half minute script for me from just those two lines literally the last thing I will quickly gloss over here it's also fantastic if you're in a rush or you're not sure what you want to write about watch this you just click the little drop down button here and then you'll see what if did you know have you ever wondered this is what happens when and one of them is five things you didn't know about
so I could select that one and then I could go about I don't know we could go about French Bulldogs literally two words it's going to write a two and a half minute script if I wanted to you'll see there's 150 second option if I want to move that up there from two words we can get a 2 and 1/2 minute video that said I I want to show you the editor's note section this is where the magic happens this is basically if you're a painter this is your canvas if you're a director this is your director's chair it's where you make things happen let me show you that next all right
so the next thing I want to show you is the editor's note this could really be called the director's chair this is where you can go ahead and change things like the pacing some of the styling how long the images and videos are on the screen for ETC literally this is where you can this is your canvas use it as you see fit now I've got some examples that I want to show you but again the things that I'm going to show you you can go into way deeper detail that I'm going to go with I'm just going to give you just a quick couple examples of what you can do
so here's the first one start with a high quality video using an establishing shot with deep focus using a slow motion camera yes you can get to this level of detail with aiv it's pretty wild not going to lie guys you can go really it's like chat GPT where you can just type in the exact prompt you want and it'll give you a hell of a good response so there we go and then use a muffled scream sound effect at the beginning of the video so let's start it off with that scream effect there but I don't want it to be too loud and then what else do I got here follow this with a high quality video as text displaying a key historical date or location of a murder
so you know I want to see like you know was it in White Chapel or was it at you know wherever these things happen or maybe give me a date something like that and then I want to synchronize that with a muffled scream for the transition and yes you can get that granular and then for the rest of the video I wanted to alternate close-up shots with rack focus and Dolly movement and then I want that to be you know contrasted with extreme wide shots using top down shot so basically I'm having some fun here but I'm just basically showing you the level of detail that you can put into the editor's note here also
I want no each visual is no longer than 4 seconds so I want this to be pretty Snappy I want it to be fast paste and then I want to make sure that every AI generated visual strictly follows the described art style now you probably guessed yes we're got to go down and check the art style out here but before I do that look at this here these are rough approximations but if you want a 60-second video and that's about the length of a uh YouTube short
so it's usually like 55 seconds or something like that you can go 60 seconds if you want a long video like a 2 and 1 half minute or maybe even a little bit over that you can go up to 150 seconds for this one we're going to go with 60 seconds but I do want you to know that that is available now for our style you're going to see there are some pre-generated Styles and then there's our own Styles I'm going to show you both let's get into that all right let's keep rolling here so now we're looking at art styles
Now quickly here you're going to see there's a whole bunch of pre-built art styles if you want AI generated that's clicked by default but if you want Wikipedia diagrams stock videos stickers word art gifts those types of things real popular in all the shorts particularly go ahead and select them also there are pre-built Styles here that you can see by visuals so if you wanted a cartoon style or a realistic style for example go ahead and select one of them pixel art is awesome so if I click on that here watch this it's going to go ahead and basically fill this in saying use pixel art sharp edges and clearly defined squares you are not locked into this style you can make adjustments and fix it or change it as you see fit
but it is a great way to start and it's real quickly especially if you've got a lot of content you want to create and you want to keep it standardized this is the way to go that said you can also describe your own and if you haven't guessed yet that's where I'm going to go so I'm going to paste in the style I want so for this Jack the Ripper Style I want for AI images use Romanticism I want the Romantic you know old school gothy art style and I want a dark and somber color palette muted tones and delicate brush Strokes okay
we're cooking for text this video use text made out of blood spatter okay I mean this is Jack the Ripper it's got to be pretty realistic IC I want to set it against a backdrop of aged 3D render topographic map textures using a wide shot now this is just an example here but you can see how detailed and how specific you can be in this it's absolutely wild I've never seen anything like it but there you go and then here we go apply subtle shadows and gradients to emphasize the text depth so this is just an example here this is how detailed you can get with your AI generated style here but watch this we can
now go ahead and go down a bit click this on your highquality AI video model so I'm going to click this on here and it says elevate your content with state-of-the-art generative video segments and they got some examples here these are pretty darn good not going to lie so you can of course go with AI images and they can sort of Slide by but if you want AI video and it's real good click that button and you're going to be added it in now let's keep going a little bit orientation this one's obvious here guys you want the widecreen the standard YouTube type videos WID screen or do you want the portrait style which is for the YouTube shorts so like the 60c or less type videos generally so in this case
we're going to go with portrait do we want captions sure let's put captions on this is optional but I'm going to put them on and when you do that here you'll see a whole bunch of different styles I'm going to keep it at minimal but again you can select a whole bunch here and then let's go a little further voiceover there are a bunch of different voices here so I'm going to go ahead and select Daniel cuz he's a male British he's Posh and he's got the best best voice in my opinion it sounds a lot like a like a like a presenter like on TV but like a university presenter so I like it it works for me the name Jack the Ripper actually came from a letter sent to the police and then hey we want to add some music in the background sure let's go with an ambient ethereal soundtrack no yeah
okay that works maybe ambient ethereal soundtrack dark sounding something like that maybe and then describe your audience as optional I mean I mean if it's true crime it's white wine moms I mean I don't know who watches True Crime just kidding guys and then the last but not least guys you can save it as a template so if you want to create a lot of content in the same style for example you're doing Jack the Ripper today but then tomorrow you're doing another troop crime and another TR crime save it as a template you can name it if you want to I'm going to go ahead and call this one Jr because we're buddies and then literally guys I'm going to click generate and when this is done I'm going to come back
I'm going to show you something really really cool then I'll show you how to edit it and we'll wrap it up all right welcome back so we've gone ahead and run the video and it's generated a video for us and I watched it and it's about 95% awesome 5% little bit of work to do so we're going to do some edits to it but let me show you what I got and let me show you just how good this is from literally one click this is amazing this is the first crack at it I'll expand it out here watch this did you know that Jack the Ripper might not have been just okay so you you see that already at the beginning here it's got the blood spatter correct it does not have the right date
so we're going to fix that and you can go ahead and edit it for free so you don't have to pay for edits at least at this time so it goes ahead and does that but there you go we've got the blood spatter style that I specifically asked for let's keep going listen While most people know him murders in 1888 there's a growing theory that Jack could have bore group of people or even so that's another thing I should mention you'll see here that it's sticking strictly to the text I put in that is word for word what we put in so this is awesome also it has an incredible voice this is the Daniel one this is my favorite one guys this sounds like a professor speaking it's as good as it gets let's keep going a little further victims are F that's good but there could have been more some experts link Jack to up to 11 murders
what's okay look at that there so up to 11 murders that I believe is in keeping with some people's Theory so I've gone ahead and you know I mean I could just go ahead and scroll through this I mean it is fantastic it's a little bit longer than I had expected and the reason why is because you know I put in 60 seconds but my text and my script was about 90 seconds so again I can go ahead and edit that but look at that here let's just watch a few more seconds then I'm going to show you the final step to edit and Export orans believe it was a hoax written by a journalist to stir up public interest another intriguing detail
so you can clearly see here guys this is absolutely top drawer topnotch stuff look at that a a bunch of uh surgery items like I mean this is crazy and then it talks about how he could have been a surgeon or maybe a butcher or something like that I mean there's lots of theories and then it even talks about the last uh lady who was killed indoors I believe uh again I don't want to go down the dark macabra wrote there but you can see this is topnotch stuff all right so there we go if we want this video we just have to click this button right here the download button and Presto off it goes we've downloaded it and now if I open it it's on my drive .
we go done now if I want to make some changes to it I can click on the edit button here and then here we go I can go ahead and just type in some changes that I want to make if I remember correctly the whole thing was pretty good the only thing I didn't really like here was this 1988 blood spatter it should be88 so I could say something like in the brutal manner in okay so change the second oops the second shot to have a have number 18888 whatever something like that and then I can leave the editor note the same because I want the same art style I want the same types of videos and then I would just click on generate again and it would go through the process and give me the changed video
now I will note here that editing is currently free so if you don't get it right the first time and you need to make other changes you can just click on generate again and you'll get it right that may change in the future but hey as of now so be it so there you go that is a quick overview of aiv in my opinion one of the best if not the best AI video generator for these types of YouTube and Tik Tok shorts these viral videos that you see so much of this one you got to give it a shot links in the description below let me know what you think in the comments thanks for watching
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