Sbk Edits Official : After Effects
Showing posts with label After Effects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label After Effects. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Ultimate AI Video Production Tool for YouTube and shorts

November 10, 2024 0



Hello everybody welcome back another AI video in this one we're in aiv what a great name guys this could be one of the best if not the best AI video production tools AI video apps for those of you that like to create longer videos especially if you're a shorts maker on Tik Tok or YouTube this app has it all guys it's absolutely amazing


 you can literally take a simple word prompt or a simple description and turn it into a profession quality video in minutes and you can change everything you can edit it with text and text alone so we're talking scripts visuals voiceovers effects all of that just type in what you want you're going to get it and for those you that run multiple channels in different niches I know a lot of you guys and gals out there are creating lots of this content this app can go ham


 I'm going to show you all of this stuff in just a few short seconds let's get into it all right here we go so the first step head over to aiv links in the description below and also guys all the videos you saw running behind me and you're going to see behind me they were all created with aiv yes it's that good guys it's pretty wild also if you have a suggestion an idea or anything like that leave a comment let me know guys I speak to their team all the time and I'll pass it along so there we go guys to sign up and get going all you need to do click in the top right click on sign in and it's going to ask you to sign up with your Google account or you can sign up with an email address click on continue and off you go once


 you're signed in well that's where we start cooking let's get into that now all right once you signed in you should see a screen that looks like this you'll note here that I've done a whole bunch of videos already so I've got a whole bunch of things I can show you and I'm going to show you a few of them they are absolutely wild and they're in so many different styles they're really really good one of the thing I should mention actually right here is they don't get all Nanny like and censor you so I did videos about some darker stuff if you're one of those True Crime types and you want to do like Jack the Ripper or those types of things you can do all that here you can also do cute fluffy French Bulldogs which I like to do as well 


so it's all here guys lots to choose from so to get started let's go ahead and create one from scratch I'm going to click on the plus sign here and then boom it's going to open up you're going to see here we get three templates that said we can make a custom version ourselves so if you want to try one of these three types you can quickly quickly see here pardon me explain a concept this heat shielding one explain a concept is excellent so is digital marketing I'm not a product marketer but if I had a Shopify store and I did e-commerce I would use product marketing


 so let's go ahead and create a custom one but do keep in mind that they have these pre-built templates and they have their own Styles and they're really really good so here we go create custom click on that plus then I'm going to click on next and now watch this it's going to load up and you're going to see here this is the back end we can do a whole bunch of stuff here let's go through it line by line I'm going to show this to you here we go all right here we go so let's get cooking here so the first thing you're going to see at the top left script or topic and they are quite different and they are both fantastic 


let me give you some examples here if you have your own script or maybe you've used a tool like chat GPT to write a script just copy and paste it in or just type it out and you'll see here I've got an example did you know that Jack the Ripper might not have been just one person okay fair enough I've got this Jack the Ripper script and you know True Crime is a huge huge vertical on YouTube right now so yeah let's go with the True Crime style so there you go now I will note here that if ipe that script in or paste it 


when I do my video the video and the audio is going to be verbatim every single word in there is going to be said this was not an idea this is a Verbatim script and it will go ahead and render that script that is the first option the second option is topic watch this I can go concept I Don't Know Jack the Ripper and then I can go five give me let's go five things the public doesn't know about Jack about Jack the Ripper something like that okay whatever there we go we got some cool scary stuff in there five things the public generally doesn't know I mean maybe a few people do all right 


I could do that I could click on that it will write a script for me just like that it will go ahead and create if I create a a 2 and 1/ half minute video it will write a 2 and 1 half minute script for me from just those two lines literally the last thing I will quickly gloss over here it's also fantastic if you're in a rush or you're not sure what you want to write about watch this you just click the little drop down button here and then you'll see what if did you know have you ever wondered this is what happens when and one of them is five things you didn't know about 


so I could select that one and then I could go about I don't know we could go about French Bulldogs literally two words it's going to write a two and a half minute script if I wanted to you'll see there's 150 second option if I want to move that up there from two words we can get a 2 and 1/2 minute video that said I I want to show you the editor's note section this is where the magic happens this is basically if you're a painter this is your canvas if you're a director this is your director's chair it's where you make things happen let me show you that next all right


 so the next thing I want to show you is the editor's note this could really be called the director's chair this is where you can go ahead and change things like the pacing some of the styling how long the images and videos are on the screen for ETC literally this is where you can this is your canvas use it as you see fit now I've got some examples that I want to show you but again the things that I'm going to show you you can go into way deeper detail that I'm going to go with I'm just going to give you just a quick couple examples of what you can do


 so here's the first one start with a high quality video using an establishing shot with deep focus using a slow motion camera yes you can get to this level of detail with aiv it's pretty wild not going to lie guys you can go really it's like chat GPT where you can just type in the exact prompt you want and it'll give you a hell of a good response so there we go and then use a muffled scream sound effect at the beginning of the video so let's start it off with that scream effect there but I don't want it to be too loud and then what else do I got here follow this with a high quality video as text displaying a key historical date or location of a murder


 so you know I want to see like you know was it in White Chapel or was it at you know wherever these things happen or maybe give me a date something like that and then I want to synchronize that with a muffled scream for the transition and yes you can get that granular and then for the rest of the video I wanted to alternate close-up shots with rack focus and Dolly movement and then I want that to be you know contrasted with extreme wide shots using top down shot so basically I'm having some fun here but I'm just basically showing you the level of detail that you can put into the editor's note here also 


I want no each visual is no longer than 4 seconds so I want this to be pretty Snappy I want it to be fast paste and then I want to make sure that every AI generated visual strictly follows the described art style now you probably guessed yes we're got to go down and check the art style out here but before I do that look at this here these are rough approximations but if you want a 60-second video and that's about the length of a uh YouTube short


 so it's usually like 55 seconds or something like that you can go 60 seconds if you want a long video like a 2 and 1 half minute or maybe even a little bit over that you can go up to 150 seconds for this one we're going to go with 60 seconds but I do want you to know that that is available now for our style you're going to see there are some pre-generated Styles and then there's our own Styles I'm going to show you both let's get into that all right let's keep rolling here so now we're looking at art styles


 Now quickly here you're going to see there's a whole bunch of pre-built art styles if you want AI generated that's clicked by default but if you want Wikipedia diagrams stock videos stickers word art gifts those types of things real popular in all the shorts particularly go ahead and select them also there are pre-built Styles here that you can see by visuals so if you wanted a cartoon style or a realistic style for example go ahead and select one of them pixel art is awesome so if I click on that here watch this it's going to go ahead and basically fill this in saying use pixel art sharp edges and clearly defined squares you are not locked into this style you can make adjustments and fix it or change it as you see fit


 but it is a great way to start and it's real quickly especially if you've got a lot of content you want to create and you want to keep it standardized this is the way to go that said you can also describe your own and if you haven't guessed yet that's where I'm going to go so I'm going to paste in the style I want so for this Jack the Ripper Style I want for AI images use Romanticism I want the Romantic you know old school gothy art style and I want a dark and somber color palette muted tones and delicate brush Strokes okay 


we're cooking for text this video use text made out of blood spatter okay I mean this is Jack the Ripper it's got to be pretty realistic IC I want to set it against a backdrop of aged 3D render topographic map textures using a wide shot now this is just an example here but you can see how detailed and how specific you can be in this it's absolutely wild I've never seen anything like it but there you go and then here we go apply subtle shadows and gradients to emphasize the text depth so this is just an example here this is how detailed you can get with your AI generated style here but watch this we can 


now go ahead and go down a bit click this on your highquality AI video model so I'm going to click this on here and it says elevate your content with state-of-the-art generative video segments and they got some examples here these are pretty darn good not going to lie so you can of course go with AI images and they can sort of Slide by but if you want AI video and it's real good click that button and you're going to be added it in now let's keep going a little bit orientation this one's obvious here guys you want the widecreen the standard YouTube type videos WID screen or do you want the portrait style which is for the YouTube shorts so like the 60c or less type videos generally so in this case


 we're going to go with portrait do we want captions sure let's put captions on this is optional but I'm going to put them on and when you do that here you'll see a whole bunch of different styles I'm going to keep it at minimal but again you can select a whole bunch here and then let's go a little further voiceover there are a bunch of different voices here so I'm going to go ahead and select Daniel cuz he's a male British he's Posh and he's got the best best voice in my opinion it sounds a lot like a like a like a presenter like on TV but like a university presenter so I like it it works for me the name Jack the Ripper actually came from a letter sent to the police and then hey we want to add some music in the background sure let's go with an ambient ethereal soundtrack no yeah 


okay that works maybe ambient ethereal soundtrack dark sounding something like that maybe and then describe your audience as optional I mean I mean if it's true crime it's white wine moms I mean I don't know who watches True Crime just kidding guys and then the last but not least guys you can save it as a template so if you want to create a lot of content in the same style for example you're doing Jack the Ripper today but then tomorrow you're doing another troop crime and another TR crime save it as a template you can name it if you want to I'm going to go ahead and call this one Jr because we're buddies and then literally guys I'm going to click generate and when this is done I'm going to come back 


 I'm going to show you something really really cool then I'll show you how to edit it and we'll wrap it up all right welcome back so we've gone ahead and run the video and it's generated a video for us and I watched it and it's about 95% awesome 5% little bit of work to do so we're going to do some edits to it but let me show you what I got and let me show you just how good this is from literally one click this is amazing this is the first crack at it I'll expand it out here watch this did you know that Jack the Ripper might not have been just okay so you you see that already at the beginning here it's got the blood spatter correct it does not have the right date


 so we're going to fix that and you can go ahead and edit it for free so you don't have to pay for edits at least at this time so it goes ahead and does that but there you go we've got the blood spatter style that I specifically asked for let's keep going listen While most people know him murders in 1888 there's a growing theory that Jack could have bore group of people or even so that's another thing I should mention you'll see here that it's sticking strictly to the text I put in that is word for word what we put in so this is awesome also it has an incredible voice this is the Daniel one this is my favorite one guys this sounds like a professor speaking it's as good as it gets let's keep going a little further victims are F that's good but there could have been more some experts link Jack to up to 11 murders 


what's okay look at that there so up to 11 murders that I believe is in keeping with some people's Theory so I've gone ahead and you know I mean I could just go ahead and scroll through this I mean it is fantastic it's a little bit longer than I had expected and the reason why is because you know I put in 60 seconds but my text and my script was about 90 seconds so again I can go ahead and edit that but look at that here let's just watch a few more seconds then I'm going to show you the final step to edit and Export orans believe it was a hoax written by a journalist to stir up public interest another intriguing detail 


so you can clearly see here guys this is absolutely top drawer topnotch stuff look at that a a bunch of uh surgery items like I mean this is crazy and then it talks about how he could have been a surgeon or maybe a butcher or something like that I mean there's lots of theories and then it even talks about the last uh lady who was killed indoors I believe uh again I don't want to go down the dark macabra wrote there but you can see this is topnotch stuff all right so there we go if we want this video we just have to click this button right here the download button and Presto off it goes we've downloaded it and now if I open it it's on my drive .


 we go done now if I want to make some changes to it I can click on the edit button here and then here we go I can go ahead and just type in some changes that I want to make if I remember correctly the whole thing was pretty good the only thing I didn't really like here was this 1988 blood spatter it should be88 so I could say something like in the brutal manner in okay so change the second oops the second shot to have a have number 18888 whatever something like that and then I can leave the editor note the same because I want the same art style I want the same types of videos and then I would just click on generate again and it would go through the process and give me the changed video 


now I will note here that editing is currently free so if you don't get it right the first time and you need to make other changes you can just click on generate again and you'll get it right that may change in the future but hey as of now so be it so there you go that is a quick overview of aiv in my opinion one of the best if not the best AI video generator for these types of YouTube and Tik Tok shorts these viral videos that you see so much of this one you got to give it a shot links in the description below let me know what you think in the comments thanks for watching

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

HOW TO MASK (5 Masking DO's & DONT's in Adobe Premiere Pro CC)

June 04, 2024 0


these are five do's and don'ts about masking your videos in adobe premiere pro so the first do is to do know where you can find the masking tools if you're ever working with a clip and you highlight it and go to the effect controls panel masking options are created under the opacity tab 


so you can drop all these down if you don't see that and you can go to window effect controls if you want to make sure that this panel is open so you can choose to create an ellipse mask a four-point polygon or a free draw such as the pen tool so in this case since we're working with a round object just clicking the ellipse mask will be a great start for us the second do is to do understand and know that you have all of these masking options once you create a mask 


so you see all of these anchor points in blue i can pull and stretch on any of them and i can also add new anchor points such as adding a new one there if i want to change the shape of this circle and i can move the entire shape around and then in the effect controls panel i can choose the feathering which is sort of how soft that edge is and that's also represented in these dotted blue lines you can also expand the mask out or in which can be really useful when you want to catch an edge without changing every single anchor point and you have the mask opacity which is the opacity or how much is showing through you also have this option for inverting the mask


 which in this case is probably what we want to do because we want to sort of punch out this hole of the sunglass lens and there's the mask path which i'll teach you how to use in a second so the reason we see all of these points is because we're in the program window and we have our mask highlighted don't forget that so if you're ever in the reference window you might not be able to see things that might be confusing for you and also black doesn't mean that this is filled in black it just means there's nothing underneath the black is sort of transparent if i was to ever move this video clip to a layer on top like video track 2 and drag anything else underneath that is what would show through which is sort of the idea behind the masking if you ever wanted to see the transparency grid instead of black then


 you can just click this little settings wrench and go to the transparency grid and check it on if you prefer to see things that way so a big do is do use masking when it comes to simple objects such as this sunglass frame maybe don't try to use masking when it comes to more complex objects such as these people dancing you know there's so many gaps moving between the arms there's the hair is going to be difficult and it's just going to be a frame by frame nightmare for you so understand the limitations of masking in premiere there are other tools in after effects such as rotoscoping 


which would be much more beneficial for you when it comes to really tedious things like this it can be done if you want to go frame by frame but you know some things are going to be almost impossible and you'd be better off using the tools in after effects also don't try to use masking where other effects such as keying would work better so just like rotoscoping might work better for those kind of masks in this case this is a clip with a very clear blue sky and it's almost acting like a green screen and it would be sort of tedious to go mask out the edge of this building and why do that when there's a tool already built for this in the keying effects folder such as the ultra key for example


 i can just go to the effect controls here grab a key color from the clip and boom all of that color of blue is immediately deleted and we can we have all these options for cleaning up that mat just sort of like the feather and the mask options that we have and it works the same way so i can now drag another clip underneath in this case we get this cool sort of sky replacement that happens but it would be a very tedious job to go and mask this out frame by frame when you have these better options that exist for this case 


so do and don't remember when to use masking and when maybe it'd be better to use rotoscoping or keying so for this example masking could work now like i'm mentioning about animation and clip movement there's two different kinds of clips that you're going to be working with stationary and moving objects so let's say we have a clip like this for example this coffee this is pretty stationary uh the the camera seems to be on a tripod the cup is not moving within the frame if i was to create a mask on this coffee cup i'll drag it in i'll invert it once i create that mask on any frame it basically is going to work for the whole video i don't have to do any animation or frame by frame tracking and that's how you can create simple compositions such as this ocean within the coffee cup 


which can look cool however what about when it works on one frame but then the subject is moving or the camera is moving all of a sudden your mask isn't in the right place anymore here's where i would recommend you do remember that you have the mask path options so if i highlight the mask path i can click on the stopwatch icon i'm starting at the very first frame here just to keep track of things that'll create a key frame here in this position and i can go through manually and just go forward a couple frames put it back where it needs to be go forward a couple frames and repeat however if there's a lot of movement this might be very tedious like i was talking about earlier


 so do remember that you can just press play here and track this selected mask so premiere doesn't have fully fleshed out tracking features like rotoscoping in after effects but it does have simple 2d tracking of just like simple positional movements in the camera nothing too crazy so this is what that looks like you see all of these keyframes every single frame are now there and if i press play it does a pretty decent job i would adjust the feathering a bit this is also why if you do keep in mind the other options like mask expansion you don't have to go back and adjust every single frame just to fill in that little bit of edge that you missed since we've already animated it


 so just a little bit of mask expansion or feather could fix up those problem areas that you want and now if i drag another clip underneath this does a pretty good job of masking while still following the path that we wanted to follow and you get your composition but you see this whole effect sort of falls apart as soon as the glasses come off her face masking no longer works so either would have to cut the clip or manually animate the mask at that point also do remember that simple masking can be the foundation for a lot of cool transitions in premiere


 so i have a tutorial all about this sort of mask wipe or linear wipe effect but something like this is a simple straight line that moves across the entire frame that you can just mask and do some simple frame by frame or tracking and it can work great because we're not masking out strands of hair so another tip to do remember is you know i'm working here i want to get the bottom of this mask but my pen tool sort of turns off that's where you want to change the view of your program window so zoom out a little bit maybe 50 here that way i can still go past the edge of the frame and create that mask and i can push the mask outside of the frame like i want and then connect that final point and we have this mask


 so i would just simply have to animate this so do remember where you're starting on the timeline in this case i'm not starting at the very beginning so i might have to track backward as well so that backward play button and in this case it doesn't really make sense to do automatically i would probably just do this manually and i can create a cool sort of transition in this way and if you want a full in-depth on that i have multiple tutorials on mask transitions on my channel finally don't forget that masks aren't just limited to opacity mask if i go to almost any effect in the effects panel for example a tint and i make some color tint i can also create masks on the tint effect


 so you see the same three options and i can just mask the effect in a certain area and that can allow for lots of creative effect possibilities so for a quick summary do use masking to select simple objects such as round sunglass shapes don't use masking to try to tediously frame by frame select objects that you just shouldn't try to do in premiere pro like really fine details or fast complicated moving things with many limbs that's something you should look into rotoscoping in after effects for also don't use masking where another effect such as luma keying or color keying would work better such as this sky replacement sort of idea do remember where you're working on the timeline and all of your options for mask path feather and expansion and things like that don't forget to be in the program window with your clip highlighted


 so you can see the mask in question and don't forget to be able to zoom out if you want to be able to work with and expand the mask outside of the boundary of your program window so if you found any of this interesting i have tons of individual tutorials just on keying and sky replacement or just on rotoscoping in after effects or mask transitions for more examples on my channel go check those out with those keywords in the playlists my name is justin odisho if you enjoyed this video you can subscribe to stay tuned for all my future videos thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one

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Monday, June 3, 2024

After Effects 2024 - How To Remove A Person Or Object From Your Video

June 03, 2024 0



hello everyone welcome back to another After Effects tutorial in this one we're going to do some AI magic and I'm going to show you how to take a shot like this where this guy is vacuuming the forest which reminds me if you see mushrooms in the forest don't eat them you never know but we're going to see something like this where he's vacuuming and we're going to remove him just like this here's 


the finished composition if I hit play he's no longer in the video and it looks very believable and I'll show you the last frame here you'll see here that we've actually masked him out punched him out literally and used content to wear fill I'm going to show you how to do this in just a couple minutes let's go all right here we go so I've got a blank new project Adobe After Effects and I'm in the default workspace just like this just the first thing you'll probably see


 I'm going to go into finder if you're on a PC go into your Windows Explorer grab the footage that you want to work with just like I've got here and then just drag it and drop it into the project panel once it's in the project panel next drag it and drop it on top of new composition and Presto you can also rightclick on the the video here and go new comp from selection either or works okay


 so the next step here is I'm just going to move my playhead to the beginning here to make sure it's at the 0 seconds and what you want to do now is you want to draw a mask around the object the subject the item whatever you're trying to remove from the scene so in this case I've got uh this guy vacuuming the forest with his Hello Kitty Dyson whatever the hell is going on here so here we go the next step here is you're going to go up here to your pen tool if you have a like a an object or a subject that's like square or a shape you can use one of the shape tools but here 


we go making sure your playhead is at the beginning I'm just going to draw a very loose mask around the subject here and again this is very very loose it's on purpose because I don't want to show I'm not going to do a tutorial on masking I just want to show you the basic technique and then you guys can go in as you see fit so you'll see here I've drawn the mask and if I maybe I'll move that out a little bit more just so that we've got some extra room here and and there's a fair bit of room around it so there we go now the next step here is in your uh panel down here you want to go ahead and drop this triangle down 


go to masks drop masks down and you're going to see mask one what you want to do now is for the meantime or for the meanwhile here we want to switch that from an add mask to none so that way we can see the mask and we can see the background everything is in frame we can see what's up next we're going to want to move this mask let me show you how to do that okay good stuff so this mask is not moving at the moment it is a static mask and we don't want that because this person here as you can see here when I move the playhead he moves over time it's video and it's not an image 


so it's quite different so what you want to do is we want to go on that mask again we've switched it from uh add to none we're going to keep dropping it down here and you're going to see something that says mask path click on that stopwatch right here when you do that now the mask is animated so we can move it over time so here's what we're going to do I'm going to be at the 0 second here I'm just going to move it forward a couple of frames and then you'll see somewhere around here this this little um the vacuum end here is starting to come over the mask line 


so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the video track right here you don't want to click on the mask click on the video track like I've done here and then make sure you've got the pen tool selected and now you can just move these points so I'm just going to move these points nice and simply and again this is just not required if you have a St object that doesn't move but because mine is moving I'm just making sure that the mask is around the subject completely with a little bit of extra room let's go forward a little bit and here we go so this at this uh area we want to move this one up this area here this one up this one up and again you'll see here I'll do this really quickly here I don't want to spend too much time masking it


 so you just get the point and I'll move this down and then we'll go forward a couple of frames to maybe here and and then we'll move this in and then we can even move this guy and these ones in a little bit cuz they're kind of way out there so this is the general gist of it I'll do one more here somewhere around here and I'll move this down I'll move this down and here we go we've got about a second and a half or so of footage that's enough for the technique now I'm just going to go ahead and if you wanted to do this for the whole clip you can just keep doing this process over and over I'm going to go ahead and grab this work area end button here this little bar and I'm just going to hold down the shift key and I'm going to bring it in and the reason why is I'm just going to constrict this to the second and a half or two seconds that we've got here


 so I'm going to go to composition and now I'm going to go to trim comp to work area so the mask now is only working for the second and a half or so that we've got here so let's just go ahead and see what we got here's the original shot and I'll just move it forward and you'll see that I've gone ahead and moved the mask so that uh it's kind of around the person quite nicely now let's go on to the next step all righty so here we go go so now we've gone ahead make sure the playhead is at the beginning here let's do a couple of quick things on the mask we're going to switch it from none 


now we're going to set switch it to subtract and look at this we basically popped a hole in it so you can see the transparency in the background if you don't see these white and gray dots you can go over here and toggle the transparency grid with this button right here and it just basically shows you what we're working with and that this is in fact not a black background but a transparent background which will render uh with an Alpha channel so it's very important so there we go we've basically punched a hole out now we want to go up here to window and then we want to go down to Content aware fill I'm going to make sure that this is selected and for me it has gone ahead and added it on the right side here so as you'll see here I click on that content towar fill it defaults with an alpha expansion of about four


 I'm just going to move that up to six and then the other thing here is you get some fill methods you can have object which is like 95% of the time what you want to use search surface if you're working with you know surfaces if you've got a logo for example on a laptop that you're trying to remove and the same with Edge blend I'll make separate videos on those topics um also if the lighting changes in the video a lot you can go ahead and select uh lighting uh correction but in this case you don't need to so there


 we go we're going to go ahead and leave that as is now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a reference frames I'm going to click this button here and it's basically going to create a shot in Photoshop and that when I go back into After Effects look at this you'll see here now there's a reference frame on top now don't worry about that right now we just wanted to click that the next and the most important point is we want to click on generate fill layer this is going to do the magic for us it's going to start doing some an analysis and some thinking when it's done I'll come back and I'll show you what we got all right welcome back


 so here's what we got now look at this I'm just going to move the play to the beginning make sure I'll hit play and look at that this is perfect that person has been completely removed and if you hide the layers here you'll see here there's the there's the cutout and then bang here is the original shot so I'll double click on the original video here this is him doing his thing vacuuming it up and then if we go back into the composition and I'll turn the layers back on we have it now all you got to do file export it is done this is Magic After Effects thanks for watching


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Sunday, June 2, 2024

How To Use A Green Screen To Create AI Music Video In Filmora

June 02, 2024 0



Hello everybody welcome back another AI video in this one we're in Flora 13.3 and I've got something very cool to show you I am going to show you how to create amazing composite videos just like this using AI functionality built into filora 13 the first step is we're going to get some green screen footage and then we're going to use their AI chroma key functionality to pull out the green and just leave the subject after that we're going to create a background using their AI image an AI art generator in this case


 I've got a cyberpunk background but you can of course create a background to your choosing after that we're going to create the music to go with the video they have an AI audio or an AI music generator inside flora and I'm going to show you all the different ways you can create background music to go with it and then finally I'm going to show you a little bit of color correction so that you can make sure that the video the green screen footage the or the subject matches the background 


so to speak so there's just a couple of steps here guys I'm going to show them all to you step by step let's go all right excellent so the first step is we're going to work with the green screen footage now there's two ways you can go about this you can add in your own footage which I'll do right here I'm on a Mac so I'm going to click on finder and then I'm going to open up my filora 13 folder I'm just going to grab this green screen footage and drag it and drop it right into project media it's going to ask me and it did ask me if I want to create a proxy file I do not want that because I have a very fast computer 


so uh I can work with high def resolution pretty quickly here but if you've got a slower computer consider using a proxy now if you don't have any green screen footage very simple all you got to do here is go up to stock media and they've got green screen footage ready to go right here so under trending already you can see that I've got this green screened explosion here I've got this uh curtains opening up like there's a whole bunch of different green screen stuff that you can select right out of the box right out of the right from Thora


 now I happen to know that I like this one here it's called cat robot and I'm going to type that in here and check this out they've got a green screen cat robot so let's go ahead and use this one I'm going to drag and drop this into the timeline and then Presto it's going to add it that's step one now we're going to chroma key it all right so to remove the green color cast or the green green screen that's a lot of greens super easy to do in film all you got to do is go up here to the top right under video and then switch it from basic to AI tools once you do that you're going to see the chroma key toggle 


now 99 out of 100 times all you need to do is just click this button and the background is gone if it is not perfectly gone it's not to worry about right now because I'm going to show you how to fine-tune it once we get a background AI image in there and we can go into the next step so right now the green screen's gone let's create a background image okay the next step is to just grab the footage in the timeline just click on it left click on it and then push it up so that it's in video track too the reason we're doing this very quickly is because because we're putting in background AI generated image in behind it 


so you have to have the green screen on the top track and then the image in behind it once you've done that I'm now going to go ahead and I'm going to go and click on stock media and under stock media you'll see a whole bunch of options the one that we want is AI image click on that little triangle and then you're going to see one that says tool this is what we want because this is where we generate the AI images so I'm going to go ahead and now click on start and when I do that you're see is going to load up the AI image beta


 now very quickly here there are three aspect ratios right out of the box that you can use I'm going to use 16 by 9 because this is a wide screen but if you were doing YouTube shorts you would want to go with 916 now I'm going to describe the image that I want to create so I uh this is a we're going to do a cyberpunk cyberpunk dystopia with buildings and um I don't know people in the background something like that very simple it it it doesn't really really matter I'm just going to go ahead and create that image before I do that though you'll notice that we have some default image Styles keep in mind you can always describe exactly what you want but these image Styles here are kind of nice because if you know you're looking for something like


 I'm looking for cyberpunk it's really just one click here and it's going to automatically give the cyberpunk objectives or adjective so to speak so there we go I'm going to now go ahead and click on start creating I'll come back when it's done show you the candidates and then we'll input it in and then we'll get to the next step all right welcome back so it has gone ahead and created four candidate images for me so let's just click on them real quickly here first one second one third one fourth one so which one okay I like this one here CU I think we can sneak our little cat robot in here and we'll color correct it to make it look like it belongs in the scene so this is proper looking cyberpunk AI image generation looks great


 I'm going to go ahead and click on this little down arrow because it's very important this is going to go ahead and load it into my stock AI generated folder I'm going to click out of this now okay I'm going to close all this I don't need to go through that and now look here you'll see here I'm going to show it to you under Library oh pardon me we're going to go AI image generated here it is right here aigc cyberpunk dystopia I'm going to click on that image and then I'm just going to drag it right underneath the cat robot and look at that our cat robot is now in this scene of course it's not properly scaled and colored yet but you'll see where we're going with this finally I'm going to grab this image here and I'm just going to pull on the handle a little bit 


so that they're both the same size all right let's get to the next step all right so that took just a few seconds here and it has gone ahead and created six songs just like it said it would so here they are you'll see it said it says right here generated six of six results let's listen to the first one all right pretty cool it's kind of low beat orchestral let's go down and listen the next one okay all right so I really like that one so I'm going to go ahead and click on the download of course if this was a you know my own project and it wasn't a tutorial I would probably listen to all of the rest of them but again I know that one's really really good


 so again I hit the download button and now it's been added to the project now let's go ahead and close out of that just like I did here and let's just go ahead and put that track in let me show you how all right adding in the track is a piece of cake I'm going to go from the tool I'm going to click on music and then I'm just going to go ahead and click on where is it AI music generated that's the one and there you go the top one here is epic cinematic let's listen to it again perfect that's the one I wanted I'm just going to left click on that and I'm going to drag that onto the audio track just like that now I want to note here that the audio may be a little bit loud if you're doing a cinematic type scene 


so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and pull down the audio a little bit here so I'm going to click on the audio track I'm going to go up here to the top and then you'll see here under adjustment that I could just pull this volume knob down a little bit I'm going to go ahead and do that just because I want this to be a more subtle and muted sound as opposed to in your face Presto finally I'm going to grab the right edge of this track here and I'm just going to pull it in so they're all the same length now if we hit play let's take a listen and see what we got all right this could be all you need to do we've got our robot in a dystopian scene all of this is AI image generated green key if you want a color correct 


I'm going to show you how to do that in about 30 seconds let's go all right last but not least is the color correction and we're just going to scale the robot down a little bit so it looks like it belongs more in the uh video here so the first step I'm going to click on the green screen footage or the robot footage and then under basic you'll see transform these are linked together at the moment so I'm going to go ahead and decrease the scale if I decrease the X it also decreases the Y so it width and height both scale proportionally if you do not want that just click on this lock button and it will go ahead and you can adjust height and width independently in this case 


I don't want to so I'm going to go ahead and maybe make something like that what do you think let's make him a little smaller or her a little smaller cuz it's a subtle thing here we're going to put them right about here so there we go that's the decrease in size now let's fix up the colors a little bit I'm going to go ahead and makeing sure I'm still on the same track I'm going to go up here to the top and then video audio color and then all you need to do is just make sure that this color tab is turned on and then look here you'll see tinting Vibrance saturation all these tools 


I know that this is cyberpunk and it all goes towards the purplish and pinkish and light blue teal temperature so I'm going to just go ahead and tint it a little here so you'll see here I'm turning up the tint and already you can see what's happening the robot is turning nice and purplish and then I'm going to pull the tint or the temperature down to get it a little bit cool here so we've got purple in the robot and we've got some cool Blues in the hands which matches the color so far I'm going to go ahead and turn the Vibrance up a little bit I'll saturate it a little more and again 


you can do this as you see fit if you want it to be more in the shot and you can increase the exposure if you want it to be a little subtler like for example you just want them sort of hanging out there but not really being the center of attention you can pull the exposure down things like this just adjust this as you see fit I like to increase the contrast so that there's a nice contrast and then Presto this little robot here has some of the purplish and the bluish reflection on him and because it's made of metal it you would expect it to be um you know the light would be kind of reflecting on him 


so something like that and then just adjust this as you see fit Shadows Etc and prestol there you go we've gone ahead and added in through AI we've got green screen footage we've kind of pulled out the green screen we've got an AI image generated background we've got AI audio included we've color corrected it this is how you make a amazing composite video in inside filora 13 using their AI tools thanks for watching

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How To Remove Background In Capcut PC - Two Methods - Tutorial

June 02, 2024 0



Hello everybody welcome back another cap cut tutorial in this one I'm going to show you how to remove backgrounds from your video and I'm going to show you two different ways to do it the first method is a more traditional style where you get some green screen footage like I've got here and then we remove the green using chroma key 


I want to note up front here that cap cut and its green screen functionality is free to use so there's no charge on this the second method involves Ai and this is simple background removal I say simple but involves very complex AI to do this but I'm going to show you how to do that and we're going to take this lady here and we're going to put a fun background in behind her both of these methods are included in the free plan 


let's go all right so before we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty I just want to quickly note here that this video is sponsored by skillshare recently I've been wanting to update and upgrade my video editing game and the way I did that was to go to skillshare and I took a couple of their cap cut classes I did a beginner's class and then I did an advanced class that I can do some of these techniques that I'm going to show you including the two in this video 


I found these courses on skillshare the largest online learning community for creatives like you and me and they have thousands of classes led by industry experts across film illustration design freelance productivity and more this summer invest in yourself and your goals by starting a Learning Journey with skillshare and take your career skills or side hustle to the next level all right if you're looking to upgrade your skills like I am I've got a link for you just click on the link in the description below and you'll receive a one month free trial of skillshare all right let's get cooking all right 


so the first thing I'm going to show you is this technique here you'll see we've got some stock footage of some TVs against the wall then all of a sudden one of the TVs has some cool 80s sci-fi Miami Vice Motion Graphics inside of it how do to do that let's start from scratch and go all right so there's nothing on the timeline let's get cooking here so the first step go to import up here at the top left and under stock materials I'm going to show you how to use pre-built footage and content that they've already got included in it if you have your own footage that you want to work with go ahead and import it as you see fit but I'm going to show you


 how to do it just using their built-in stock stuff okay so under stock materials I'm going to go ahead and type in TV when I do that I'm going to hit enter and watch this you're going to see a whole bunch of different options now instead of going type No Limit I'm going to go type video because I want a video background so here we go look at this one here this is I think this is the same one actually there we go there we go I'm going to grab this one and then I'm just going to go ahead and put that into the timeline right there at the bottom now the next step is I'm going to click on it and I'm going to move it up one


 so I want this to be on the second video track and there's one underneath it okay hopefully you're following along with me piece of cake now I'm just going to go ahead and click on that X and I want to add in the footage I want in the background so again I'm going to go ahead and let's look under trending what do we want to star in this video so we've got the green screen TV and then under underneath it let's go ahead and do the same thing I'm going to go with let's go with this one here this looks pretty cool yeah I like that let's go ahead and drag then drop that underneath the green screen footage okay there we go so nothing has happened yet that's okay the next step 


I'm going to go and click on the top footage here and then I'm just going to grab the handle on the far right and I'm just going to make them both the same length nice and easy now making sure you're clicked on the top screen this is where the magic comes we're going to go up here to the top right right and then you'll see we have a few options I'm going to click on video make sure you're on the video tab then go ahead and go to remove BG that means remove background and when you do that I'll just increase the size a little bit here we get two options we get Auto removal and we get chroma key there is a custom removal but that is a paid feature and I'm sticking to the free stuff for this one


 so I'm now going to click on the little check boox beside chroma key nothing happens yet not to panic I'm now going to go ahead and click on that ey dropper hold it down and look at that when I hover over the green on the TV you'll see here that it has gone ahead and basically taken away the green that said if you look very closely at the edges here there's still some green it's kind of spilled over on the top and the left a little bit so what I'm going to do is I'm going to increase the intensity a little bit and as I do that you'll see the green sort of Retreats away and it becomes perfect so that's just the way to do it you can increase the shadow a bit too if you see fit but in this case it looks like we got a good green screen


 let's make sure the play heads at the beginning hit play look at that it's pretty darn cool now the one thing I will note here is we can go ahead and turn the top track off and when we do that you'll see here we've got the bottom track we can change the size of this so if I click on it and I go back to video and I go back to basic there's a couple ways to do this I'm just going to change this scale down to something about TV size so I'm going to go with something like that let's say turn the top layer back on and then look at this I'm just going to go ahead and slowly move this in here maybe it's a bit too big here


 I'm going to pull the handles something like that now let's see what we got that is a very cool effect and we did that in just a few seconds using their chroma key functionality for free let's get into the second technique all right the second technique is how you can do the same thing but without any green screen let me show you here's the original shot of the grandma she looks like a regular Grandma cooking making mashed potatoes but here's the thing this is this Grandma was actually made with open AI Sora this is a completely AI generated video straight up 100% check it out


 now to kind of keep with that theme we took away the background and then we put some Matrix scary AI in the background because that sort of fits with it so how did I do that let me show you here start from scratch all right here we go we got a blank timeline this will be very very quick the first step I'm going to go into my finder if you're on a PC you may want to use your Explorer and just grab the video that you're looking to add in this one here is is called sora Grandma I'm just going to drag and import that in as you see here now I'm going to take it and put it on my timeline just like that the next step


 I'm going to grab the footage here and I'm going to move it up a track so it's on the second track we're going to leave the track below it empty so there you go if you don't have any footage just grab something out of the stock materials here uh I don't know you can just search for somebody you know cooking or cleaning or whatever it is you want it to be now the next step is we got to put some footage under underneath Grandma here so I'm going to go ahead and under stock material I'm just going to type in Matrix then I'm going to hit enter when I do that you get a whole bunch of different options


 now I'm going to go ahead and click on No Limit and restrict it to videos cuz I don't want any photos I want this to be video stuff and the one that we were going with well let's see what we got here there's a whole bunch of different options let's go with this one here this is the one we used before I like it even though it's scary as hell I'm going to grab that and I'm going to slide that underneath our original footage of the grandma now I'm just going to go ahead and pull the right handle here on the right side so that they're both the same length now the next step is very very easy making sure you're clicked on the original shot here or this video track two of the grandma or whatever you're using I'm going to go up here to the top right and I'm going to see video


 I'm going to go to remove background and then I'm going to click on auto removal this is fantastic it's going to go ahead and cook it up and look at that we've already done it but I'm going to go ahead and move her now so I'm going to maybe move her to the right side something like that and then also I'm going to grab one of these handles and I'm going to scale her down a little bit because you'll see here that it even got rid of a little bit of her stomach here it's just sort of like the top torso so it maybe it went a little bit too far but that's okay we'll do something like that we'll put Grandma right here maybe something like that cooking up some mashed


Now let's see what we got I'll just hit play yep there we go looks pretty good kind of scary stuff I will note here there are a few other things you can do if you want to put a stroke around her for example you can click on that button here and there we go we've got that white stroke that you see in so many YouTube thumbnails this one's a little bit less of a stroke you can adjust it here the size the color if you wanted a yellow stroke for example you can go ahead and select yellow and there you go and also there's a little bit of offset and some this looks like a like a mystery movie where you know we've got this weird uh dotted version but there you go guys this is all there is to it to removing backgrounds in cap cut thanks for watching

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Saturday, April 27, 2024

How to Remove Video Background in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (Tutorial)

April 27, 2024 0



one of my tutorials that a lot of people have found helpful is how to remove a green screen in adobe premiere pro so in this video i'm going to show you some more background removal tricks maybe when you don't have a green screen like this video here so we're starting out with a video clip where we don't have a green screen background and i'm probably going to do many examples of these because each clip is going to be different


 so in this case we have a few things to note we have a basically kind of solid even colored bright background so brightness or darkness matters we have a pretty decent line of contrast here so a skin tone might matter as well depending on the contrast between that in the background and also he's wearing a white t-shirt which may give us some problems because it's the same color sort of as these white clouds but i'm going to show you for this example a two layered approach that you can use to still get a pretty decent cut out when it's just not a green screen 


so in the effects panel we're going to be using the keying effects and we're going to use a combination of the luma key and the ultra key here i've just got the original clip this is the original clip on track one i'm going to hide that just so we can have it for reference now i'm going to take the clip put it on another track so we can work with it and the first thing we can try is a luma key so luma refers to the luminance or the brightness or darkness basically so in the luma key effect controls you have two things threshold and cutoff 


so you can adjust the threshold at which the video will become transparent and it looks like just it's just becoming black but that's actually just transparency if you actually want to see that displayed as transparency you can click the settings icon and under transparency grid you can check that and you can actually get see like the one that you see in photoshop if that helps you but as i adjust this amount especially from zero to fifty to a hundred percent we see it sort of cuts out him but if we go too far it starts to cut out some of the clouds as well 


so you wanna find a balance between the threshold and the cut off where you're just getting a decent selection of your person and you can see kind of how it inverts itself when the cutoff becomes higher than the threshold or vice versa but not to complicate matters you can just kind of balance these two sliders and the goal is to try to get as much of the subject and as little of the background with as clear of a line as possible so this is what that might look like for me but you notice that this is still not perfect if i put it on black again we're still getting you know parts of since this shirt is so bright it it's kind of registering as the background even this highlights on his cheek and that's why i'm offering a two-layered approach here to kind of help you out further


 so you know depending on your clip if you just want something really rough this could be workable but it's not gonna look great because you're cutting into important parts of the subject like the face so if i were to just duplicate this clip i'll just do that by holding option and click and dragging it on a layer above itself you can also just drag it back over i'll delete the luma key on this effect so we're bringing back the full original clip and i will now use an ultra key as well so just to show you what's going on i'm going to hide everything else except this layer and the ultra key allows you to pick a key color instead of working with brightness and remove that 


so i'm going to ink drop over to sort of this really light blue color maybe i can try a few different ones and see which one seems to get a bet the best amount and then i'm also going to open up the matte generation tools and here you can adjust things about the tolerance of this selection so right now at 50 we can increase it so it even goes in more of those blue ranges if you want you can open the matte cleanup and soften things up a little bit this can have a tendency to get a little bit pixelated looking but for the most part we have removed a lot of stuff around here and in this case


 we're still keeping the parts of the face and for this method since we might get a lot of extra stuff in the corners and the side if you're able to if you're working with something that's not moving across the frame a crazy amount you can even add a mask on the opacity of the layer so if i just create i'll just use the pen tool for this case it'll be easier for a person shape but if i sort of just create a mask on the opacity of the rough outline of this person you'll notice once you get to the end it's kind of hard to make a point a workaround is to zoom out a little bit on the program window and then you can go beyond those boundaries and make those points and then you can put it back to fit if you want 


so now i've really contained in my mask  a little bit more i can add points if i want to bring it in even a little bit more and if you really wanted to get advanced with it and go tedious you could add a keyframe animation onto this mask path so i could begin this mask and if you lose the blue outlines just make sure you highlight mask one again i can begin this kind of opened up enough and if i notice that you know i need more room here for the skateboard flip i can bring out that mask a little bit and then as he puts the skateboard down i can bring it back in so if you want to take this extra step you can sort of animate this mask


 so it tracks your subject a little bit more so again every clip is going to be case by case and these are the different sort of things that might be included in a clip and these are tools that you can use to find solutions to those problems so since we can only key out one color at a time the cool thing with these keys is we can stack them so first i keyed out the blue now let me try to key out this really grayish blue white and this is another issue where i need to be careful because his shirt and his outfit is white as well and you're going to find oftentimes perhaps the color of clothing matches the greenery or background of your clip and these are things to keep in mind 


so for this you maybe don't want to increase the tolerance too much but i'm still able to remove even some more of that section in if you really want to get in there that's where you're probably going to want to make sure that mask is really in there so effectively we've removed out much of that stuff and we've used the mask to make sure we don't have to worry about everything else now depending on your clip you know this might be enough but you'll notice this way sometimes kind of get grainy or not the best


 so what we've done by combining the two methods is we still get that crisp line and edge from the luma key on the first layer that we did but then we also fill in the remaining portions of those areas using this second layer and i notice there's some clouds here in the luma key layer so it might not hurt to also add an opacity mask on the luma key layer so that we don't have to worry about that as well and although this is not perfect if i add another clip on the background 


so that's the original if i add like whatever layer underneath it does provide a pretty decent result and it's up to you know how much key framing and how tight you make that mask to how clean your effect will be but it's still a little bit faster than more of a masking or rotoscoping style where you literally have to mask it exactly on the edge frame by frame that's a job that's much better suited towards after effects and as an added bonus if you want to know how to do that little before and after thing it's just simply a crop effect which is under the transform video effects folder and i simply will add a crop animation 


let's just say on the left starts at zero and you can move forward a little bit and make it go to 100 and that'll do like a before and after i have a full tutorial on that if you want like a deeper explanation before and after transitions but that's another example of how to remove backgrounds in adobe premiere if you enjoyed this video you can check out the others on my channel and subscribe to stay tuned for more i'll probably do other examples to show you guys how i would approach those and the unique problems and solutions that other clips would provide my name is justin odisho thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video you

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Capcut Color Grading - 3 Methods To Color Grade For FREE - PC Tutorial

April 27, 2024 0



Hello everybody welcome back another quick video in this one we're in cap cut for desktop and I am going to show you how to color grade your footage for free there's no plugins there's no nothing here going to show you how to do it for free and I'm going to show you using three methods I'm going to show you how to do it using adjustments


 how to do it using curves and then how to add in quick filters to take it over the top to show you that I know what I'm talking about here is the original footage here if I just move this slider here look at this this is awful footage everything is literally the same color it's just terrible there's like there's no colors in it and then if I move the slider to the right here well look at that we've got three different styles here I've got a nice brighter version and then you'll see here in this one here I darkened up the the ocean a little bit and the corners


 I've got vignettes in the corner to draw your eye into the middle and then I even did an orange and stylish type style over here on this little birdie if I click on the bird here this is a better piece of footage this is the original footage it's not very good and then after color grading well look at that we've got a nice cool orange teal action look I'm going to show you to do this for free it'll take just a couple minutes let's go all right let's get cooking so the first step here is there's nothing on my timeline 


I'm just going to drag and drop a piece of footage in that I want to color correct in this case it's this terrible footage here of these boats in the sea where everything's the same color okay not a problem the next step is I'm going to grab this same piece of footage and I'm going to drag and drop it right on top of it so we've got two pieces of the the exact same footage lined up at the exact same time then I'm going to hit the eyeball on the bottom track 


now let's get cooking and start making some changes all right here we go let's cook all right so the first step make sure you're selected on the top video track then on the right side you're going to see video audio speed animation we don't want any of those what you want to do is you either want to click on these two arrows to get to adjustment or if you see adjustment just click on it when you do that you'll see curves hsl and basic hsl is highlight and saturation lightness but the first thing is we're going to go on basic and because I am basic just kidding


 I'm not that basic we're going to go ahead and make some very quick changes and this is often all you need to do to get a nice quick and dirty uh color adjustment so here we go I'm going to go ahead and increase the decrease the temperature part of me quite a bit and you'll see here by just pulling the slider we've gone ahead and added in some blue into the sky and into the ocean kind kind of like


 what we want now this isn't even as blue as I'd like it to go but there we go we're going to start off with this I'm going to put some green Aqua looking into this so I pulled the tint down again depending on the type of footage that you have you can adjust this as you see fit and I'm just going to increase the saturation a bit cuz I like bright colors because I'm a simple man now as I go down here under lightness you've got all of these different ones you can play with I would normally increase the exposure just a little bit I would increase the contrast cont a little bit even though you will see that we are losing some of that blue that's okay 


we're going to add that back in in a second I'm going to go ahead and adjust the whites down a little uh let's see something like that oh no that's not enough something like that and then I'm going to play with the blacks a bit here uh I'm going to pull that down a little bit that sounded weird and uh there we go so Brilliance I'll increase it again this is just me messing around with it you know getting it to where I like it the one thing I do like to add in though is a vignette so I'm going to add in a slight vignette of about five and what that did is it added in some shadows in the corners and that draws your eye into the video


 so it kind of pulls your eyes into the middle so that's looking okay so far now this is why I have a second piece of footage underneath it in the exact same spot cuz when I turn this eyeball on and off you'll see this is the original this is the revised footage with the vignette and the color changes now I'm going to show you a second technique to dial it in and get it a even better all right so the next step is we're going to go over here and we're going to go from basic we're going to switch over to Curves and every guy likes curves uh for color grading and other things 


so here we go there are four curves and very briefly the Luma curve is brightness Luma means luminance which means brightness and then there's the red the green and the blue and all of these curves can be manipulated now for the brightness I like the brightness of this shot so I'm going to leave that alone for the red curve here and it's nice and colored red so you can't really get it wrong you'll notice that when I hover the mouse over you'll see that it allows us to add a point or add a beat so on the line here I'm going to add one in the middle somewhere around here and watch this I'm just going to pull this up and that makes the water red


 so if you're doing a Jaws movie for example and then if I pull it down it adds in that nice turquoises green color so I'm going to go ahead and add that in there I'm going to go down to the blue or actually let's go to the green one next here let's do the the green and then I can move a point up if I want green water and if I want some of that cool looking Bluer water for example I'll pull it down a little bit and again


 Guys these are just up to you completely but I'm just sort of dialing in the colors that I like and I'll add a point on the blue one watch this I pull it down I get that drab color but if I pull it up we get that really cool looking blue sea now again these are totally up to you once you've pulled them up you can go ahead and keep adjusting them as you see fit I might yeah I like the blue c although I also like the green uh let's go with a blue c for this one okay so there we go we've gone ahead and added in some curves feel free to adjust these as you see fit it's very subtle stuff now I'm going to show you how to put filters on this to dial it in and finish it up all right 


so the next step here is I'll just do a quick comparison just to show you where we've gotten so far so again this is the original footage it's terrible and now here is the revised footage it's looking pretty good although the sea is kind of blending a little bit in with the sky more than I'd like so let's go ahead and do a final third step on the top making sure you're selected on the top footage we're now going to go up here and go to the filters option and under filters we get a whole bunch of different color filters now I'm going to go hover on a few of them some of them you know you may get one lucky that you want here this one's actually not too bad ghost but the one that I'm looking for is down here 


let's see where it is it is orange and blue and obviously this is way too much but I'm going to go ahead and drag this filter onto video track three so it is on top of the footage and then I'm going to just drag it out all the way across now you're going to be like hey you ruin the footage and you'd be right but look at this up here at the right you'll see here that under filters we can dial this in so we can take it off completely or I can just start to move the slider a little bit here and then maybe up the intensity for the orange blue so maybe something that might be a bit too much something like that maybe and then if we've got it kind of like where we want it 


so we've got a Bluer sea we've got nice bright orange colors in the boats here the sky is nice and blue we've got a vignette if we turn off the top two layers we've got our original footage then we've got adjusted and then we've got it with a filter applied this is pretty darn good you can always go back in and make adjustments so if I go back to basic and I decide that that's too blue I can pull some blue out or I could put some blue in tint it as I see fit but there you go Go Guys these are the three techniques you need to know to color grade inside cap cut completely for free thank you for watching

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Image To Video AI Just Got Real - Domo AI - Detailed Tutorial

April 27, 2024 0



hell yeah what's up guys this is kurur Pike my friends call me Big C back in Action today I got something crazy to show you and if you're a Tik Tok dancer you're going to want to turn this video off right now cuz it's coming for you but here's the thing I'm going to show you how to take any image literally any type of image and animate it in a cartoon this is not taking a video and turning it into a cartoon


 I'm going to show you how to do that as well but this is an image into a cartoon and then into an animated cartoon in a style of your choice for example and I'll give you the example running behind me I've got an image of this white lady here doing her thing she's just a regular white lady I put the image in I put the video of this Asian girl doing some weird dance thing going on I hit the button and all of a sudden I've got a cartoon of that white girl doing the dance that the Asian lady was doing and I can download it and use it upload it to YouTube and it's going to pass all the copyright checks this is nuts let me show you how to do this all right 


first up head over to Google or whatever you use and type in do AI when you get there you want to make sure that you select the second result at least for me you want Domo AI doapp a. totally different sites same name kind of weird click on that and then Presto you're going to see this it's going to ask you to join your Discord so you're going to join up with Discord and then I'll show you in Discord what the next steps are all right here we go so we are in Domo Ai and just keep in mind that it's this robot icon if you not sure and you get lost it's the robot icon right here and then you get a whole bunch of options but what we want to do is we want to go to one of the generate rooms here 


so there's 11 generate rooms I'm going to go to generate video 11 and you can already see here that here's an example of what I did earlier so I added this woman here this is just a stock image and then I added this video here of this girl dancing which is the stock video and it gave me this which is pretty damn impressive I am not going to lie this is crazy okay so how did I do that well let's just go right to the bottom here I'm just going to grab this and pull it down and then here we go so the first step is you want to go forward slove and when you do that hit enter you get two options you get to upload a video and you get to upload the image


 so let's start with the video so I'm going to go ahead and grab this video here and just so you know this is the video of that Asian lady dancing that's her dancing and now I'm going to grab the image so I'm just going to click on that again and then I'm going to go to movies and I've got an image that I want to use let's use this lady here we've got a nice attractive lady here with a nice smile so we're basically saying Hey I want this lady and this is also a stock image to take this image and turn it into a dancing video like this crazy I know all right 


so in the prompt section here all you got to do is type in what you want attractive lady dancing doesn't have to be too specific because it's more or less using um the the video instead of what your prompt ISS hit enter and now you're going to get a couple options it's going to take a few seconds for it to think about what we're doing here but here we go Domo AI is thinking all right I'm going to come back when it's done some thinking show me a second that's already done okay good enough now look at this we get a few different options here here we go so a defaults to anime style but there is a realistic model as well 


so I'm going to go with the anime version 6 but there are four different styles I recommend you try out all of them they're all really really good let's go with the anime style secondly can go for a 3 second video a 5-second video a 10-second video or a 20 second video Believe It or Not uh do keep in mind that the 20 second video takes 20 minutes to render and I believe the big one is only for paid subscribers so I have a I have a paid subscription to this but you'll only probably have the first three so let's go ahead and click on 10 seconds here generate 10 seconds and then literally all you got to do is hit start and it's going to start cooking and then I'm going to come back in a few minutes and I'll show you what we got all right welcome back 


so here we go here's the original image which we put in there nice lady having a nice smile plus the dancing lady full body dancing only half of her body showing in this picture but look at this if I click on this here and I click on Play There we go we've got her she's got the same kind of shirt on and then it gave her some matching pants and there she is doing her thing dancing away and if I want to download them look here you'll see here that it gives you the results it gives you the original image and the video that you can go ahead and download if needed 


so really really cool stuff now I want to show you how to change one type of video into another it's cool watch this all right welcome back so the next thing I want to show you is how to take a video and change its style so let me show you what I'm talking about here here's a video of this you know pretty lady just sort of looking back and then like all women do looking away and walking away from me okay this is just a okay this is just a uh stock video this isn't real life but here you go I've turned this into this style literally with one click now her left eye has a little bit of a wobble there but I mean this is pretty cool it's even borderline uh Grand Theft Auto 5 style 


so let me show you how to do this it's easy as heck to do all you got to do is just type in forward slide and then hit enter once you do that it says drag and drop a video you want to select I'm going to go ahead and select I don't know let's select a puppy dog here we're going to get this papoo and we're going to drag and drop in this puppy that just does puppy things now for the prompt this isn't a big deal but I'm just going to be like cute puppy that's it I don't have to do anything really it doesn't really even matter but you got to put something in here 


so I'm going to hit enter And now when I do this check this out this is where it gets kind of crazy so first thing like always you can go ahead and select three 5 10 or 20 seconds if you have a paid subscription you can also refer to Source video more which is what I almost always recommend or refer to prompt more if you've got a bad video I suppose but anyways when I click on this down arrow you'll see here that there is not just like one style there are 23 different styles van go paper art Grand Theft Auto game color illustration story book comic pixel 3D cartoon Chinese ink painting anime of all different types and flavors I mean just tons of stuff here 


so 2.5d illustration style is one of the newer Styles PlayStation 2 style color pencil Style Just altogether amazing stuff I'm going to go ahead and select uh 2.5d illustration style cuz I find this to be quite good but again you can always experiment try out the different styles there's 23 of them I'm going to go ahead and select a 5c version of this and it says here it should take about 5 minutes so I'm going to go ahead and click Start and then we're going to render this one out and we'll see what it looks like when I come back all right welcome back so here we go here's another example I've got my puppy dog doing puppy dog things here just just being a boss and and then 


I click out and then bang here we go we've got our perer doing some Grand Theft Auto illustration uh animation type things and the same thing goes for this uh pretty lady which I think I showed you earlier and then here she is in sort of like a line drawn Grand Theft Auto style so this is all one click easy to do let me show you one more thing you can do with this product though all right so the last thing I want to show you is you can actually make your content with a green background for example so if you want to you know chroma key or green screen or pull out the green color you can do that as well let me show you example I'm going to go forward SL move going to hit enter and then you'll see video and image


 so let's do the same thing again I'm going to grab let's go for the video we're going to have that lady doing her dance thing drag and drop it there for an image I'm going to use this image of Livy Dunn cuz she's very pretty and that's just how I roll but watch this under prompt I'll have pretty woman dancing and then this this is what I'm going to do dash dash key or D- key when I do that and hit enter there we go so we'll see here that it's going to go ahead it allows me to do 5 Seconds 3 seconds Etc I'm going to do 5 seconds on this one


 I'm going to go anime Japanese style anime and then I'm just going to click on start all right and here is some green screen action here we go here's a picture that I used it's Livy Dunn the gymnast it's a terrible picture it's low quality but hey that's okay just wanted to show you what this is capable of doing so there's the image there again is our little dancing lady that does her silly dance and now look at this here's the animation but look it's got green screen in the back so if you know how a chroma key or green screen 


you can just pull out the green and then you've got the dancing character with no background which is awesome especially if you like to create Motion Graphics that are kind of funny and quirky so there you go guys this is all inside Domo AI I got a link in the description below give it a try let me know what you think in the comments below thanks for watching

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