Hello everybody welcome back another quick tutorial this one I'm in pacd now pacora for those you that don't know this is an all-in-one tool that's strictly for packaging it does anything you can imagine if you're creating merch if you've got bottles cans you've got t-shirts boxes anything that's packaging oriented it's here and we're not just talking about the basic functionality
we're talking templates and dielines if you want a 3D rendering in real time to see what it looks like that you can zoom zoom in and out on mockups so if you need to do a mockup it will show you what it looks like before you send it to the printer and you have all those issues it's absolutely nuts and this tool covers it all I'm going to show you how to use it let's go all right so the first step of course is you want to go to the website it's pacd
I'll put a link in the description below and then at the top right you're going to see the login option simply click on that and it'll ask you to sign up if you don't have an account it's free to sign up for so go ahead and go nuts there now I'm going to switch over to Google Chrome because I'm already logged in so this is what the logged in screen looks like and you'll very quickly see that this is a very easy to navigate tool it's simple you basically use the mockups the 3D design tool and the templates and die lines generator for those of you that you know want to make sure you get the the folds correct for me.
I always click on the mock-ups generator to start the party let's click on that I'm going to left click on it and then bang you're going to see we've got got a whole bunch of options now pacora currently has 4,900 pre-built templates and no doubt they're going to add more so there's a lot here already to work with but here we go let's just flip through here and then in this case I don't know I'm a YouTuber and in this case for example I'm going to create some merch so I want to create like a a soda or an energy drink that I sell to my you know to my subscribers as an example
so on the left side I would go through the menu here and then I would look at cans and jars and then when I do that just taking a quick look through here here you go here's a standard you know basic standard soda can or pop can and here is an energy drink can kind of looks like red bullish so here you go we can select any of these I'm going to select your basic one here nice uh short and chubby one and I'm just going to left click on it and go just start working on it it opens up a new tab and now I'm going to show you how to design all right so let's go ahead and start the design process so here we go we've got our basic silver can here and again it's rendered in 3D
so you'll see exactly what your design looks like now you have a few options but the one I generally select is simply to upload an image so if you've got a pre-built design whether you built it in canva or you know you just took a picture of it whatever I'm going to click on upload and then presso we're going to get this option here now on the right side you're going to see that I can resize this window so anything that I do here any work that I do you'll see here exactly how it renders in the image so I'm going to go ahead and go to my finder because I'm on a Mac if you're on a PC maybe go to your uh Windows Explorer and then I've got this kind of cool looking abstract design that I'm just going to drag and drop right there
so there we go I've dragged and dropped it and you know what it doesn't look quite right here look at this just right out of the box it's pretty close to a cool looking can but again the dimensions aren't quite right so I'm going to just make this a little smaller and then let's take a look here I'm going to just fit this so if I go ahead and make it smaller you'll see here that I kind of want to fit it into that middle Square type thing so I'm just going to pull on this handle here something like that and then Presto let's take a look at it here inside the 3D render so this is what it looks like
so far now you can always pull this down if you don't want it to go right to the top for example you want the white at the top it's doing this in real time which is absolutely amazing so do what you need to do there but I'm going to leave it like that because I like the look of that and let's take a look here we've got this very cool can now for some people that's all you need to do you're literally done but I'm going to show you a few more tweaks as well as how to export it and take it to the next level all right here we go so here's what we've got
so far here I'm just going to go ahead and spin this can around and to be honest with you I like the look of it it's kind of got that uh Vincent Vango star night type style to it nice abstract concept very cool let's add to it though in theory now this is of course optional but if you go on the left side here you'll see we can go ahead and add some elements in so when I click on that we can add in text we can add in shapes or we can even add in packaging symbols for example if this was I don't know if this was like non-bio degradable you'd add that in there uh or you can even add in your social media for that matter and if we look down here further we can go ahead and add text
now I'll be honest with you they've got about you know what is it 6 12 14 different styles of text so in a lot of cases you may want to go ahead and add in the text yourself whether it's using canva which is free you can use one of their fonts or if you got something in mind but if you want to use one of theirs like for example what is this this is more like an energy drink pop can so I could add something like there we go true love and now if I go ahead and look at the pop can here or the energy drink okay
I mean maybe not but hey you know what it's cool you can go ahead and fix that up change it up here maybe I would make that probably a little smaller and Center it and again this is just an example of what you can do right out of the box this is not Custom Design or anything like that and then bang you know what if I saw that on the Shelf when I was buying a can maybe I'd go for that hard to say I'm going to delete that though because I just want to show you the technique
I'm not as good a designer as you probably are so there we go you can add in some elements shapes Etc and if you need Inspirations there's two things here you can add in some pre-built patterns so I kind of like this Scottish Scotch uh christmy packaging one but if you like these and they work for you go ahead and you can can also check for inspiration so for example here if I was creating a wine you could go ahead and delete this even though I'm not going to but I want to show you I'd click this here and then it would just go ahead and add this in and then I can go ahead and then just resize it maybe I make it bigger something like this let's see what we got here I'm just doing this in real time just to show you the technique and look at well I mean holy smokes fruit wine cherry fruit that is a really cool looking can would probably change the gradient a little bit and stuff but you know what for right out of the box that's really cool
So anyways I'm going to go ahead and uh undo that and I'm going to go back to what we had here I'm going to even undo this and then this is the design now I'm going to click on Save and I'm going to show you some of the next steps here all right so there's just one more step and there's an optional step I'll show you the optional real quickly here it's not required of course but I'm going to click on this 3D design button here up at the top right when I do that you're going to see here that I get this cool looking 3D style
now I'll be honest with you not everybody you know is used to this what happens here is you can basically zoom in zoom out and get a 3D representation that you can turn and move basically kind of like if you were using after effects or Cinema 4D or uh something like that but here you go you can move it on the XY and Zed axises I generally don't use this but I will twirl it around just to take a quick look and then maybe move it up and down and just to see what I got I like it I'm going to go ahead and X out of this but I just wanted you to know that that was available but generally what you want to do now
now that we've got the design we kind of like and it looks pretty cool let's go over here to Super export when you do that you get a whole bunch of different options I'm going to go through them with you right now all right so at this stage of the game the hard work's basically done you can see here that you can go ahead and render and download a JPEG or a PNG so I would just click on download depending on what you want if you've got something that's kind of tricky and it has a DI line and you want to make sure like a box for example and you want to make sure all the designs and folds are correct or your printer's requesting the dialine
you'll see here I just clicked on dialine and I can go ahead and download it whether I want a PDF AI stands for Adobe Illustrator not artificial intelligence just in case or a dxf file and you can also select a color mode now in most cases you want CMYK which is cyan magenta yellow and key uh cyan magenta yellow and black is what it actually stands for I want to make sure my design skills are my design knowledge is there so cmk is General but if you want generally the right one but if you want RGB go nuts you can export that right here if you want videos now normally you'd be like why would I want a video but if you are creating you know social media post
you're doing um you know you've got a YouTube channel and you want a sec you know like a four second snap of this or you want an 8sec video like look at this this is just an example here of this uh can just shooting in I would just go ahead and click on export now and literally job's done you can already see that it's cooking uh I can go ahead and download it when it's done so this is just some of the stuff you can do here I'll go back to that screen while it looks at that if in any way you need the code in most cases you won't need that but it's there if it's HTML and you need that HTML
go ahead and finally guys if you want to share it and this is not sharing on Facebook or Instagram but this is sharing within like a design team so you can share this link I'll just copy the link and then I could share that to maybe you know the head of marketing or you can share that link to your printer or to your packager whoever that is and that way they can make sure that everything's correct because if you have a you know a large run and you want to do like a lot of packages or a lot of cans you want to make sure you get it right first
so there you go that Link's ready to go and literally guys that is it that's how easy this is to use it's like canva and figma kind of met but they did it in a browser and it just works for packaging this is the way to go pack Dora give it a shot it just works links in the description below thanks for watching be back soon