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Friday, March 29, 2024

How to Blur a Photos Background in Adobe Photoshop CC (Tutorial)

March 29, 2024 0



in this video i'm going to show you how to blur the background of your photos in adobe photoshop so the first thing i'm going to do is duplicate our original layer so in the layers panel i can right click duplicate layer you can also use the shortcut command j now on the top layer i want to select out our subject of our photo so in photoshop you can go over to the object selection tool 


which is a new one and there's actually this really useful button that's just select subject this will automatically try to detect the subject of your photo and select it now it's not perfect and you can do some manual lasso adjustments and you can make sure you're working on add or subtract to selection mode so in this case there's a part of the boot here that i can try to add to the selection i can go to subtract from selection and there's a part of this stairwell that i don't want and you can kind of manually refine things in that way you see you have all these different tools available for you to select in photoshop but now 


what we want to do is create a layer mask so i'll go to layer layer mask and we'll choose reveal selection so what we've done now is we have this top layer and the top layer just has our selection and then we have the original photo on the background so we have this cool sort of separation that we've created and this is actually the foundation for a lot of cool effects that you can do in photoshop for example if you ever wanted to put text behind a person you basically have separated these two layers 


so you can sandwich any sort of effects between them but if we want to just blur the background all we're going to do on this background layer is go to filter blur and there's a couple different blurs you can do there's also the blur gallery now if you're working with blurs like gaussian blur it's pretty simple you can just increase the strength it doesn't look as realistic as like something out of a camera would but it can be really good for youtube thumbnails or just creating this contrast and pop of depth that you might need for a thumbnail or other sort of designs a more realistic one if is if you go to filter blur lens blur this one will allow you to create more of like a realistic blur that comes out of a camera lens and in the right hand menu you have some options such as the blur focal distance the radius of the shape 


so you can choose things like a square or triangle and you can see rather than just like our traditional gaussian blur this one is taking those highlights and it's we're kind of getting those bokeh blurs and those highlights and you can even adjust the specular highlights and the threshold and the brightness of them so we're getting a little bit of a more realistic look now when i press ok you'll see that we still have our original cutout on top and so we've brought that back into focus and we get this realistic blur in the background which is a little bit more cool obviously it doesn't look as realistic as from a camera because you know this isn't how depth field would work in real life but it can still create a cool pop of contrast for you 


now you do get this sort of haloing effect because you know the original subject is getting blurred too and in cases like this you can maybe try to even blur this layer mask so maybe if i add a blur onto that layer mask it can help with some of that haloing i can even maybe go in there with a brush tool on white and just try to softly brush away some of those edges another idea you can try so that you can avoid this haloing effect is before you blur your background layer 


i'm actually just going to grab my regular lasso tool i'm going to try to create a generally even outline around our subject and then this time i'm just going to right click and fill with content aware fill this should give us a decent fill try to make the out remove the object from the image we don't have to worry too much if the middle looks kind of crazy we're actually just trying to get rid of some of those edges that that are going to halo later and then when we do have our other layer back in the front of it we can then blur the background layer now so if i do the lens blur like before now it'll blur it without catching the original edge it looks a little bit more blended in and we get a more crisp edge that doesn't have that halo 


so this is another tip that you can work in remember you still want to pay attention to the selection make sure things are good but that's one idea to work around if you want a full tutorial on how to remove objects from your photo and more in depth i do have a separate tutorial all just on that content-aware fill and other manual tools that you can touch up removing objects with also as a final tip if you're doing for most blurs the lens blur doesn't work this way but if you right click and convert it to a smart object now whenever you do apply an effect on it so if i did you'll see the lens blur is grayed out but if i apply any other blur then i am working on a smart layer i can always double click back on those filters those smart filters and i can adjust them again 


so it's a little less permanent less destructive and that can always hide and bring things back so work on smart layers if you aren't doing the lens blur or just always keep a backup of your original photo on a layer underneath so you can always reference it and go back to it but this is a cool and basic way to blur the backgrounds of your images in photoshop if you enjoyed this tutorial you can check out hundreds of more photoshop tutorials in the playlist on my channel my name is justin odisho you can subscribe to stay tuned for new videos thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one


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How to make a 3D Animated Photo in Photoshop & Adobe Premiere Pro CC

March 29, 2024 0



hi my name is justin odisho and in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to take a 2d photo and give it some 3d motion using photoshop and adobe premiere pro so we're going to actually start with our photo in photoshop because the first step we want to do is separate the subject or person from the background 


now a quick way to do this for most photos where you have a clear contrast is to go to select and then choose subject in the top menu this is a really quick way to automatically select the subject of a photo and it should work well for your image if for some reason you aren't able to do this with your photo you can also try tools like the quick selection tool and try to paint in areas or you could try doing it by hand at last resort with something like the polygonal lasso tool or pen tool really carefully one by one but since this will work for our case and perhaps your case as well 


we're just going to select subject there are some small areas of discrepancy like right here on the shoe i can just zoom in using the shortcut command plus or minus to zoom in or out and i can grab my polygonal lasso tool make sure it's set to add to selection and maybe just fix up a little bit of those problem areas like that there's also this select subject tool object selection tool if you want you can use this on subtract or highlight from mode and go in there and tell photoshop exactly to pick up on some areas 


so take as much care as you need for this section you know if you really want to get in there in between the space of the fingers or these loops of the shoe i can use the shortcut command 0 to scale it back to fit because this is a pretty large photo but once i have a pretty good selection i'm going to right click and layer via copy this onto its own layer so now we have the cutout and the background but i'm actually going to load up that selection again by holding command and clicking on the thumbnail of this new layer


 we made it'll just bring back up our selection of the contents of this layer and i'm going to go back to my background layer and i'm going to use the content-aware fill to even remove him from the background fully so one thing i'm going to do first is go to select modify and expand out this selection depending on the size your photo this could be anywhere from five to 25 pixels let's just do 10 for this example you'll see it kind of expands out the selection a bit you know let's just do five more and then i'm also going to add a little bit of feathering 


so select modify feather i'll feather that selection maybe 5 pixels and then i'll right click and fill that selection with content aware fill so when i press ok you'll see photoshop will try to just automatically delete whatever's in the background and this is a pretty great example photo because it's pretty clear blue sky but even right here with the concrete and the trees it does a pretty good job because when we go through to animate our subject in premiere we want these two layers to kind of be separate


 so we don't catch those double edges so once you have a pretty good separation here from subject to foreground i'm going to save this as a psd so i'm just going to save this wherever i want on my desktop as a photoshop document psd and i'll save that and press ok now is when we go over to premiere pro so although you could do this in after effects as well i'm going to use premiere pro for those of you who don't have acupuncture only working with premiere and i'm going to grab my photoshop document that i created and i'm just going to import it into my project media panel and then this import pop-up menu will show up it'll ask you if you want to import it as a merged file or individual layers what we want to do is individual layers because we want each layer as its own thing 


so i press ok now i have this new folder of the document and i have both of the two layers in there so depending on the size of your your sequence that you want you can adjust or create a new sequence in a specific size if you need it that way but in this case we're just going to use the original dimensions of the photo so i'm just going to drag our background layer into the timeline to create a new sequence it'll just create a new sequence of whatever the dimension the photoshop document was and then i'll drag the other layer on top so we've kind of recreated our photoshop layers but now in premiere 


we have the background and the foreground and the cool part is we can add keyframes now to create animations in the size or other things so one simple thing you can do is simply make the scale change a little bit so i can go to the scale toggle keyframes on and over the however many second duration of the clip you want i can make the scale increase like 10 points or 5 points and when i play that back it'll look like this some gradual increase and then at the same time i can go to the background i can actually start the background a little bit larger and add a keyframe and then at the end i can revert it back to its original size i'm just clicking this reset parameter button to take it back to the original 100 


now i have the image kind of separated out this is similar to the parallax tutorials i've done in the past but another cool thing you can do aside from just the scale let me actually just start from scratch again with no keyframes is using the basic 3d effect that's in the perspective folder and applying this onto the two layers we'll get a couple different options in the effects control panel so if i go back to my top layer i now have these swivel and tilt and distance to image options 


now you are going to notice sometimes if you go to swivel them i mean it's cool you can rotate it but you're noticing it puts it in this new kind of frame and it might end up cropping it sometimes one quick work around to that is to lower the distance to image or increase it in this case until you avoid that crop so we're in this kind of canvas that they've created and then increase the scale back to whatever the original kind of size was now you can play around with the swivel and the tilt a little bit easier without having to face a crop and you can create first of all you can create this cool like spinning animation if you just animate this parameter but the same idea with the gentle movement to make it feel 3d would be to start like somewhere a little bit this way and then gradually make it turn the other way and then do the same thing with the background


 so the basic 3d on the background add a little bit of swivel maybe the opposite way so from right to left and you see i can just drag these keyframes around and you can also play around with the distance to image and the tilt and all that this can create i mean this could be kind of cool if you did want them separated and added a color in the background but if i just pull the scale back up now i have two different images kind of swiveling in different ways and you can still add those scale keyframes if you want like making it get slightly bigger over time or making the other object get slightly shrunken over time and the other thing with these keyframes is you can right click on them and add ease in or ease outs to give them a little bit more gentle motion 


so all in all you can get these cool 3d looks by taking the the object separating in photoshop and bringing it into premiere and adding these little keyframes there's other options like specular highlights that you can add onto the layer might not always look realistic but it could be an interesting option depending on the idea you're working with and honestly if you wanted you can even add like lens flares and stuff in the effects panel you can either add them directly onto the background so i could add a lens flare and i can animate the position to slightly move from one direction to a little bit different maybe blend it in a little bit with this layer and that could be another idea to add some subtle 3d feel to the photo if you wanted to apply the lens flare over the entire image and not just the background layer you can go to file new black video and add a black video on top apply the lens flare there and just set this black video layer to screen blending mode and you can lower the opacity if you want to lower the strength


same idea you'll notice this this trick i'm doing i'm highlighting the lens flare effect in the effect controls panel and this marker will come up in the program window so that i don't have to adjust the flare center x and y position with the sliders each time that's a little bit more intuitive that way but once you do start adding all these different 3d things and lens flares you might notice this red line pop up you might want to just press i and o to create in and out points and then render into out under the sequence menu if you do want to catch a good preview and be able to watch the work that you've been doing and another final idea i know i've been packing in a lot here if you just nest everything together so right click and nest it all together and then duplicate that nested layer 


i'm just holding option and dragging it out to duplicate it and then put them end to end and then right click on the speed and duration and reverse the speed of the second one you can create kind of like a boomerang perfect loop so that if you were to post this somewhere that you did want to loop or make it like a gif or something it would now be a perfect loop forward and backward as soon as it hits this middle point it'll just turn around so it's constantly going back and forth and tilting so if you enjoyed this tutorial my name is justin odisho you can check out hundreds more on the playlist on my channel and subscribe to stay tuned for all my new videos thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video


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Monday, March 25, 2024

How to Create Super Slow Motion Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (Optical Flow vs Timewarp)

March 25, 2024 0


In my previous video on creating super slow motion in adobe premiere pro i showed you the new time warp feature in the effects panel however it seems like a lot of people don't have this effect yet it may be due to the the version or the operating system i can't quite seem to figure out why but as a lot of people mention in the comments there's also another way to do super slow motion if you don't have this effect and i'm going to discuss the pros and cons of each so that way is in the speed duration optical flow


 so let's just take this clip for those who are wondering this clip is shot in 30 frames per second and you can see that when you highlight the info tab and you can play it it's a woman walking through the street so there's some camera motion in the frame but there's also motion in the subject so that's what it looks like normal motion and if i right click and go to speed duration if i were to lower this let's say to 50 percent


 it's going to look choppy because now we have a 30 frames per second stretched out in half so about 15 frames however the sequence settings are still 30 frames and you're going to notice it looks a little choppy if i do that even more right click speed duration change it to something like 20 you'll notice it looks even more choppy now we can literally see those frames being stretched out frame by frame because they have to fill in this new space however if while you're doing that if you change the interpolation method


 so time interpolation if you change it from frame sampling to optical flow this will do a similar result as what i showed in the previous tutorial and it will create a flow of those frames by creating new frames in between now you'll notice that this bar immediately turns red it is a little bit of a heavier effect so if you want a easy way to preview that you can press i on your keyboard go to a certain point and press o and then press return key and it'll render a preview for you so once this is done i'll show you what this looks like


 so here you can see we have some super slow motion and we've created those new frames so it's not as choppy this is going to depend on the context of your clip whether the lighting is changing really fast or the scene is changing really fast in this case the only thing that provides a problem for premiere is uh the very fine sort of black and white stripes on this great on the street you can see that that causes a little bit of an issue on one or two frames


 which you're gonna have your own issues and glitches depending on your clip but as far as for a lot of portions of this clip it does add a really nice slow motion to the walking here so that's us taking that clip down to 20 if i were to do the same thing with time warp it still works with time warp so if i take the speed and turn it down to 20 change the method to pixel motion you can see here it's essentially the same actually it does do a little bit of better job in this clip with the grate


 you'll notice the speed is the same we've taken each clip to about 20 percent of its original speed uh just by happenstance it happens to work better in in the case of the grate there but you know if you don't have that feature or you know i can easily imagine a time where the optical flow might work better on a different clip so as far as pros and cons you'll notice i mean there's one pro sometimes this might work better 


you have more flexibility inside of the time warp effect as far as fine tuning so in the effect controls panel you have all of these options for fine tuning as well as options for motion blur and other mats and crops so that's one reason you might want to experiment with the flexibility of time warp as far as just optical flow however another a con of this is that even if i stretch the clip down to 20 percent you can see when i do that for the optical flow or the the clip that we stretched using speed and duration method it extends the clip 


so we don't lose any of information from beginning to end of the clip we get all of the clip this is like stretching out the clip but it still is going to keep its same duration so whatever we're able to make 20 it cuts off right there and if you wanted it to come back you'd have to drag another instance of the clip out which you could do you know match up the cut point and do whatever you want another thing to remember is you can you can speed ramp with time warp so i can add keyframes onto the speed 


so if i wanted it to begin at a hundred and then quickly go in to 20 all i have to do is add a few key frames and it'll go from 100 to 20 and i can i can adjust the interpolations of those keyframes right click make them ease in or out or even drop down that menu and adjust these ramps between these keyframes but this will essentially quickly go down from 100 speed to 20 speed this will dramatically increase the rendering time but you can see 100 boom it ramps down to 20 i can add keyframes to make it go back up or whatever 


 I want if you wanted to do that with the optical flow method you could also right click on this clip add a show clip keyframes timer mapping and speed if i make this v1 track a little bit bigger by dragging on that line i can see that line and if i hold the command key i can add points on that line so i can start out at a faster speed it's kind of counterintuitive because it's at a hundred percent of 20 percent but i can increase the speed and then add another point maybe increase it and i can drag and split these two markers and you get a similar idea of ramping into or out of motion alternatively 


you could also just take the clip and let's say if i wanted it to begin being slow motion right here i could cut that part maybe just cut out the section i want to be slow motion and i could right click and use the speed duration on that part so take this to 20 with optical flow i'm just using the number 20 you can go for 10 or 30 percent different percentages are gonna uh work better or worse you know the lower you go the more you're going to make it optical flow have to try to work and create new frames


 so you might find it to be more difficult to go super slow but you can see the new duration of the clip will now be 17 seconds this little portion right here it'll have to be 17 seconds long if we stretch it out basically divide it by five and then i can just bring this other end back in another way to do that is check the ripple edit button that's what that's there for um let's say i make this even slower it'll just push everything over instead of getting cut off so do keep that in mind if you want these to be seamless 


so yes you can also use optical flow if you don't have time warp one thing to to note in whether your photo or video editing is there's always multiple ways to reach similar effects it's sort of like mathematics where two plus two equals four three plus one equals 4 6 minus 2 equals 4 you can get the same result in different routes um so but you have all these tools for you in your toolbox this doesn't replace just shooting in a higher frame rate i'd say it can work great for a majority of clips but you can see there's times 


where the clip doesn't work well and you do you can kind of tell the difference between a clip that has frames that have been created using optical flow or time warp there's just something a little different about it a little uncanny whereas if you shot in ultra high frames per second you're just not going to be able to replicate it exactly so i'm not going to say that this is going to replace a high frames per second shot exactly but you can definitely use it for clips that are 24 frames or 30 frames per second if you don't have a camera that can shoot very high or if you're just in a pinch or that's that's all you can work with


 so it's definitely a great added tool for getting smooth slow motion my name is justin odisho if you enjoyed this video you could subscribe to my channel here on youtube and check out hundreds of more videos like this on my channel thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one

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How to Create this Simple Intro Text Title in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

March 25, 2024 0



Hey guys in this adobe premiere pro tutorial i'm going to teach you how to create this simple and clean text title intro so to begin i just have a clip on the timeline and i'm going to grab my type or text tool and make sure you're in the program window up here and you can click and begin to write out your text i can just write in whatever i want and you'll see that has created a new graphic layer 


wherever your timeline was so don't worry you can always move this wherever you want and you can make it as long or short as you want past what it is by default so what we want to do next is open the essential graphics panel on the right hand side if you don't see that just go to window and you can open up the essential graphics panel and here you see that text layer we created that says music video title so the first thing we're going to do is choose the font that we want


 so i like to just keep it really simple and clean with a solid all caps style for this one i'll just use arial black just a nice bold and big text and there's a few ways you can align and adjust the text so i'm going to increase the scale i want it to sort of fill the whole screen and if you want to bring it back to center you can click on these align horizontally and align vertically buttons so that fills the whole screen so right now the switch is like at zero but i can even make it squished in for more you know modern look you can even space it out if you want for that sort of look this is where this you can add your own style to it


 so i'm gonna sort of tighten it in center it and you can also adjust other things such as the proportion in the scale so right now it's linked to to scale proportionally but if i uncheck this chain or length button i can make it you know wider than it is tall or taller than it is wide that's an interesting sort of graphic design stylistic choice and then you can just adjust the size of the font if you want to keep the proportion instead so you know here we have a little bit more wide feel and look and that's why a simple clean fawn like aerial work so you can try futura or helvetica and play ground with the different uh font families 


so this is aerial black but if you're just in regular aerial you have options for bold or bold italic you have different ideas here the font choice is really what's going to make or break the title since it's it is very clean and stripped back now the next thing i'm going to do is add a little subtitle text so there's a lot of ways you can do that you can right click and duplicate on whatever the first thing you've created was and move it down and then adjust the size of the font rather than the scale to get sort of a proportional thing and then just change what it says so now you have the same thing 


so if you highlight both of these layers together by holding shift and clicking them you can adjust multiple things about them like if you wanted to change both of the layers color to a different color or whatever sometimes white works yellow works both of those are cool also if you're working with a clip that is very bright and you're using white text you know it might be hard to read some things if it is a very bright shot in that case you can consider changing the color so you can either consider changing the color or you have options to add a shadow so you have this shadow text here i like to be careful with this you know it can look a little bit cheesy if you add too strong of a shadow or a stroke


 so you can lower the opacity a lot and increase the shadow sort of feathering a lot in these options just to get sort of a subtle separation so you can read it but so it doesn't look too much like a default layer style now something like this could serve you very well for many different videos even in its default state so simply cut the title on whatever shots are happening in the background and then cut the title off and then you can do like several variations of this title but if you wanted you can also add very simple animations on this so you know if you wanted


 you can right click apply the default transition that will be a fade in if you wanted you can also go to the effects panel and do different transitions such as a crop or push so let's let's do a wipe for example that'll be like a wipe in and you can make these faster or slower and that adds a little bit of flexibility to it too and if you even wanted to try something a little bit more advanced like the example i showed in the beginning we can even create another new layer 


so i'll grab my rectangle tool and we can make like a little animation line so i'm just going to make a little line here it's like a really thin rectangle and i'll bring that over and then with a combination of keyframes we can make it appear as though it's wiping on so i'll go to the effect controls panel and i'll add a keyframe on the position at the very beginning so i'll click the stopwatch icon and make it go all the way across the text like it's scanning on and you see those are keyframe one and two


 so if i play that that's what happens you can even do something like right-clicking the keyframe going to temporal interpolation and easing in and easing out of the keyframes so that sort of gives it a little bit more velocity or a change in velocity and then you can add something like a crop effect onto the original layer and go to the very beginning again and make it crop in from whatever side so in this case the right i'll increase the percentage all the way to like 100 add the keyframe at the beginning and this is a little bit tedious or done by hand but if you just use the arrow keys 


i'm going to use the right arrow key on my keyboard you can arrow over until you see that line up here then you can highlight the right percentage amount and then you can use the down arrow key to lower it so you could just go like a few arrows to the right highlight that a few arrows down and repeat this process until the end if you hold shift and down that'll make you go instead of one percent at a time ten percent at a time so that's a little shortcut for you and we can just bounce a few key frames at a time and it'll blend these in layers 


 so a little tedious maybe but if you get the hang of it it can be quicker and boom we have the animation now if you play that back it should look pretty smooth if you did it if you didn't skip around too much even with that change in velocity and if you wanted to do the same thing for animating it out a simple trick that you could do is uh just copy both of these layers command c command v or or you can just hold option and paste it um if you're if you're wondering why it pasted over 


the original layer that just mean you just have to untangle the track targeting to tell premiere which layer to paste on and then i can simply highlight both these right click and nest them together and then right click on that nested sequence go to speed and duration and press reverse speed and that'll basically flip it in reverse the other way so if i want i can just crop over just to this part i want and that'll be like the end of the transition 


so if i play there's the simple music video title and uh you can play around with with the duration and the text and the color and all that but even without that line animation that was just something a little bit extra advanced for you if you wanted even without that line or any animations just a simple cut in and out keeping it clean and simple like this should serve you well a lot of times and it's very useful to be able to construct a simple and clean title and not everything always has to have like crazy 3d animations and fonts and things


 you see many professional music videos don't even have the animation or anything just they just cut in with a very simple full screen title white simple clean font and cut out of that and go into the video works especially well if you know you have a high quality video in the background so that's enough about that if you've enjoyed this video and you learned something 


you can check out hundreds of more on the playlist on my channel and subscribe to stay tuned for all my new videos my name is justin odisho you can find more resources online at my webshop shop and follow me on social media at Justin show if you want to reach out or keep in touch thanks so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video


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5 Time Saving Video Editing Tips in Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial

March 25, 2024 0



here's five quick time saving tips while editing in adobe premiere pro number one when you're playing back footage you can press l to double the playback speed so spacebar is start and stop but pressing l while it's playing goes to time speed and allows 


you to listen through to let's say a long podcast interview you could still understand what's being said but you don't have to spend twice as much time reviewing the footage you can just listen to it in double time and make your cuts and marks where you need to you can also keep going by pressing l multiple times and that will let you scan footage faster and you can even hold shift and l that will increase the playback speed in smaller increments than just two times additionally not as much used is pressing j that will begin playing the footage backwards 


i don't use that as much but double time playback speed especially if you're reviewing long talking segments will quite literally save you twice as much time reviewing and cutting footage next we have this little red arrow here or when you're placing a jpeg or something of that sort so i have this red arrow png if i drag this onto my layer on my timeline i can increase the scale or decrease it 


i can mess with the rotation and move the position around in the effect controls window under the motion effects and you know typically this is how you'll play something with these sliders but a much faster way and more intuitive to do things instead of the sliders is just highlight the motion tab here make sure you're in the program window and then you can just move and drag stuff around as if you were in photoshop or a program 


like that so you can shrink things like this you can rotate like this and it's just a lot quicker to drag and drop things or text or shapes without needing to do the x and y axis of sliders so this should be able to save you a lot of time not only can you do this for just like if you're let's say you're animating you can click on the keyframe here you can move around and then you can sort of do your animations in this way and you see this little blue line happens showing we're going to be moving from there to there you can also do this for a lot of different effects 


so let's say i am adding a crop effect onto this clip if i highlight the crop effect and make sure i'm in the program window again i can visually see things rather than having to do things with sliders so nothing wrong with sliders but just this visual cursor way can be really useful for certain things also bonus tip if you can't see the whole working window sometimes you can just zoom out like 50 and you can get access to those bounding box especially when you're working with masks or effects in this way tip number three this one might be something 


you're familiar with but if you're not it's probably one of the most useful is the ripple trim and ripple delete tools so let's say i just want to trim off this first portion of the clip normally you know you'd press c to activate the razor tool maybe you'd create some cuts press v to activate the select tool and then delete them now you have this gap in between the clips now notice i can actually click and highlight this gap and i can just delete it that's very useful that's the ripple delete tool but if i press command z and undo also a useful tip instead of sometimes having to just drag things back together snap them in place and that's happening 


because the snap in timeline the magnet tool is on you can turn that off if you don't want things to snap in place another thing you can do is just simply use the q and w keys on your keyboard so q will just trim the end of that clip and automatically move everything over and w will trim the other way so we'll trim forward and bring everything over uh sort of skipping over all two or three of those steps so q is to ripple delete or trim to the left w trims the right portion of the clip and moves everything over and if you ever have a large gap in your footage just highlighting that gap and pressing delete deletes it and moves everything over keep in mind that this v1 v2 track targeting 


whatever one of these is highlighted blue is what will be considered the trim over points or the point that things snap back into next up you might often find yourself having to fade in audio or fade out audio or fade between clips and one of the most useful tools that you're going to reach for is just simply right clicking on a clip and applying default transition for audio that's just a constant power 


so it'll just slowly fade out the audio and for video that's a cross dissolve so it'll just dissolve from one clip into the next and for like half of your transition needs you're just going to be either using a cut or a fade or a dissolve if you're not fading between clips let's say you're at the end of a clip it'll just fade out so it'll fade to black and you can see as i zoom into the timeline this little yellow piece of tape i can extend it to make it longer or shorter and if you're ever in the effect controls panel you can adjust the placement of it between clips 


so in this case it fades to black that can be a really useful tool and a shortcut for that is just command d if you highlight the clip and press command d it'll apply the default transition if you highlight a bunch of clips and press command d it will create default transitions in between all of them also a little bonus in the video transitions folder in the effects panel you can actually choose any one of these to be the defaults so you see right 


now cross dissolve has this blue box around it that means that's the default but let's say i wanted to do dip to black i can right click and set that as the default and that will be the new default transition for video of course lastly while we're in the effects controls panel another really useful way to save time is to create presets of whatever effects that you often use so i have a whole tutorial on how to create a preset and on my channel i have hundreds of effects and transition tutorials step by step that you could turn into presets 


so for example i have a whole transitions pack on my website where you can just drag and drop these presets on your clips and it will automatically create transitions for you so you have two options there you can go through my tutorials learn how to save presets save presets of your own or if you just want to skip all that i've already went through all hundreds of my best tutorials and effects and packaged them down into my preset packs and effects packs which are available on my website shop justinodisho shop 


if you just want to save time get all of my dozens of effects and transitions and just import them in and start drag and dropping and not have to watch and create presets my name is justin odisho you can check out hundreds of more free tutorials on my playlist with more tips thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video


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How to create a Halftone Duotone Cutout Effect in Adobe Photoshop

March 25, 2024 0



Hey Guys in this Photoshop tutorial I'm going to teach you how to take your regular photo and turn it into this cool halftone duotone style cutout effect so let's begin just working on our original photo and our life is actually pretty easy here because Photoshop has all these automatic cutout tools so although you could use the polygonal 


so tool to get a rough sort of cut out like this you know that's one thing you can do in this case I'm just going to highlight the object selection tool and I'm going to just create a rectangular Marquee around the subject so if this doesn't work for your photo if your photo is more complicated then you can use the other options so in this case we've got a good selection there is just this little chip on the shoulder of the jacket and in that case I can grab my polygonal lasso tool or other lasso tool just make sure 


I'm working on add to selection mode up here in the toolbar and click and just sort of fill in that patch the nice part is we are not worried if it's not an exact cut because this is a cut out style anyway the next thing I'm going to do is go to select modify expand so in order to get that rough cut out look I'm going to expand the selection by something like 10 or 20 pixels it just depends on how big your original photo is but you can see now we've got a little bit of a breathing room not so right up on the edge of the person the next thing


 I'm going to do is right click and layer via copy this is going to take our selection and copy it onto its own layer and then we can begin working with this copy so firstly I'm going to right click on this layer and convert it to a Smart object so that when whenever we apply effects onto this we can always go back and adjust them later and things are not so permanent so the first thing we're going to do is go to image adjustments threshold and this will just create a black and white threshold and you can move the middle points over or the levels so that you get a decent outline based on the contrast in your selection


 so something around there is fine for me it's really a matter of taste and I'll press OK and since we created a smart filter a smart object you see the smart filters pop up and we can always double click on this threshold and change it later if we want we can even hide it and this little other button here to the right we can double click to actually adjust the opacity of it or even make it a blending mode so we're not going to do that in this case but that's just a useful thing to know the next thing I'm going to do is add a half tone effect


 so I'm going to go to filter pixelate color halftone here I would recommend taking a few moments to play around with what different settings look like the max radius the bigger it is the bigger the color halftones are going to be so if I use something like 15 you'll see what that looks like and then the screen angles and if I press OK you could see what these degree angles look like especially if I zoom in a lot here you can see what happens but I would encourage you to play around with different options of where you want to place the angles so I'm going to go to image adjustments gradient map and here is where we can create any color gradient we want


 so whether you want to just play around with the different presets I find that maybe those are not the best or you can just click on the gradient and make your own so typically we can start with one dark color for what was our black or shadows and then a complementary light color this is where you can get creative and choose whatever you want a another quick tip here is in the Color Picker uh normally it's just it's just on Hue mode but you'll also have these other sections like let's say you find a yellow that you like but you want it to be a little bit brighter you can go to saturation make sure it's it's the most saturated or or less saturated yellow or you can go to lightness the L and make sure it's a little bit lighter for more contrast 


so just a quick tip in the Color Picker you can switch different modes to really dial in on just one aspect of one color so once you're happy with your gradient you can press OK if you need to flip it around you can press reverse just in case and in fact there's no reason that it has to just be duotone you can even add like a slight third color it won't really make much of a difference but you can get some of the fringes of that color half tone in a third colors and as a final touch one thing I've done is Right clicked on the layer went to blending options and then press stroke and you can even add like a white stroke on top of this depending on how clean your cutout was this will look better or not and I can press ok


 now this is a pretty simple process it might took long because I was explaining it to you but once you've done it once you can essentially just repeat this pretty quickly for each individual subject and you can create different colors make each one stand out but in fact if you were going to just put make them all the same color then there's no reason to even cut them all out individually you could just make sure you're working on add to selection mode and you can actually select everyone all at once Photoshop should be able to handle any photo that's similar to this and in fact I can just cut out all of them at once layer via copy and do the whole process here just on the group 


so there's no reason even to need to do everything individually and another cool thing is if you've recently applied an effect it'll always be at the top of your most recent filter so I can just click on it and it'll automatically apply that and then I can add whatever gradient I want in fact it looks pretty cool as black and white to be honest but you get the idea it's up to you and another final thing I've done is you can change the background to be something so whether you want to add a color halftone on the original photos background or just make the original background some kind of gradient 


so you can apply text onto it or something or even another idea is to throw on a different background completely so here's a paper texture scan and I can add that as the background instead and the cool part is when you cut out stuff like this there's no nothing stopping you from rearranging stuff pressing command T to edit transform so I can even free transform stuff move it around to my liking and really make whatever I want out of this cool design style feel free to experiment there's definitely lots of room to tweak things and and slight adjustments on the effects but this is just a basic model and formula for something like this style if you want more Photoshop tutorials tips and tricks 


I've got a playlist with hundreds of them on my channel so you can check out another one of those And subscribe to my channel here on YouTube to stay tuned for all of my videos my name is Justin odisho thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video


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Designing a Promo Poster for the new Astrobrite Album!

March 25, 2024 0



hey how's it going everybody yesterday I found out that astrobrite has a new album coming out now if you're not a shoegaze fan then that really doesn't mean that much to you but that's very exciting for me because their last album came out in 2015 and we don't know anything at all about the album other than it's coming out in summer of 2023 which really could be anytime now and I got to think it would be really cool to create like a promo poster for it even though I have no information on the album itself 


so I have an idea I haven't played around at all with anything yet but I'm just gonna roll with it and let's jump into illustrator and have some fun all right so really anybody who is a kid at heart is going to recognize this logo right here this is the logo for Hot Wheels but Astro bright actually uses their name in the place of the Hot Wheels logo for things like t-shirts and other merchandise and I always thought this was really cool but I got to thinking what's another iconic brand that maybe starts with an A that's also retro and we could easily do something like that for this promo poster and it immediately came to me apple apple starts with an A Astro bright starts with an so we're gonna let this flying apple right here be our inspiration 


 I want to do something similar to this where we have this apple and this trail of colors behind it and I got to thinking well what's something that we could utilize there in the place of an apple well here's a picture of Scott Cortez who's actually The Man Behind astrobrite and he's wearing this shirt with an astronaut on it and I thought that's perfect an astronaut helmet so that's where we are so let's see if we can find an astronaut helmet vector and there's a lot of options right here but I want something that's nice and solid that we can easily vectorize here we go I found this one right here and it's mostly solid and since we're using it for personal use I'm just going to go ahead and steal it all right let's bring this into illustrator and this is already fairly simple


 so we should be able to just hit image trace and it'll just go ahead and vectorize everything for us I don't need those Sparkles so I'm going to get rid of those okay so let's go ahead and scale this down move this over here really quickly and I actually really like the idea of maybe doing the the beige background here that is on this so let's go ahead and set that and what I'm going to do to make this easier is I'm just going to size this down to roughly about right there and I'll go ahead and design our Trail right here and I'll do this horizontally and then we'll rotate it so we're going to use the exact same colors here 


so I'm going to hold down option or alt if you're on Windows and just drag this down and then I'm going to hit command D and that's going to step and repeat and we'll do a total of six of them right here and I like to make absolutely sure that there's no spacing in between any of these at all so I'm just going to use distribute spacing so I'm going to select this key object right here make sure this is set to zero and click on vertical distribute space so now we want to make these same bars right here the total height the same height as the astronaut helmet so all we have to do is select all of them and bring them up to right here and make sure that it's the same at the top as well Perfect all right this next part's pretty easy all we have to do is color drop so now all we have to do is select all of these option or alt drag over here select everything including the astronaut helmet and we're going to go to our Pathfinder tool and click on divide 


so now all we have to do is delete everything that is outside of the area of the astronaut helmet and now we want to select everything here and click on divide again and now we can just delete these little circles in here so that way it gives us dimension doing this can be very finicky and also I forgot to mention make sure that you have your direct selection tool selected all right so now these points right here are just looking a little bit too pointed so I'm just going to smooth that one out right there all right that's looking really good okay so now what we're going to do is we need to set this like maybe around here somewhere this next part is going to be a little bit tricky because what we need to do is we need for the outer edge of this shape to cut and Contour into these rainbow colors just like it's doing right here in this Apple logo but the Apple logo is a lot simpler than our astronaut because we have all these different shapes in here


 so I'm going to move this over here and I'm going to duplicate this I'm going to go over here to object and path and offset path and I think something like an eighth of an inch will be enough so we need to align the center of this about with the center of the end of this line right here because we need to make sure that we're cutting and we're not going to leave behind any kind of jagged edges or anything so now we're going to select all of this right here and we're going to click on divide and now all we need to do is go in here and basically delete most of this out where all that we're left with is that Contour and going into your outline mode is definitely going to help you with this all right let's take a look and see where we are definitely going to have to do some cleaning up in here but that's no big deal I definitely should have chosen the simpler design foreign let's delete this one


now let's bring this over here and see how it's contouring for us it's pretty good we just have a few adjustments to make inside here and most of these are just going to be color changes so we can go in and just select this with our direct select tool and let's close up this path right here so we can easily make this all one color and what we'll do here is just select these and click on Pathfinder again delete that one on the outside and now everything on the inside here can be purple I need to delete that little sharp line right there all of this can stay we just need to change it to red and this one needs to be changed to red as well and this one to Orange 


now this will be a little bit tricky because we need to just bring this over here with our direct select tool that's good and now we'll just bring that one over and I'll just add this right here so that we can smooth that out a little bit since we don't have the option of smoothing this one here is a little bit pointed but I'm not too concerned about that and now we'll just go in and color this one yellow and this little bitty part right here needs to be colored green all right very cool and now what we can do here is just we can you know move it out a little bit to about right there or so looking good all right so now we're going to bring this over here and that looks really cool so now let's go ahead and select both of these and group them together and before we set our angle


 let's go ahead and type out our text and it's going to be just like the old Apple logo right here so let's go ahead and turn this all right cool and if you're curious the name of this font for the old Apple retro logo is modern tectura by default the kerning on it is pretty terrible so you need to go in and make sure you manually turn it all right so let's select everything here we'll create outlines and I think what we'll do here is add a really cool gradient stroke so let's go over here to window and gradient and this is going to be just on the stroke itself


 so what we'll do is We'll add a couple of colors here we have a total of six and we'll just color drop from the colors that are in this rainbow here we can't really see it too well right now but we will in just a second after I deselect everything all right very cool so each one of these have their own path when it comes to the stroke however you do have the option of having it Go continuous across the entire text and I'll show you how to do that all right so if you want the gradient to go across the entire text select your text go to object compound path and make and it's going to take away the fill color so all you have to do is grab your eyedropper tool hold down shift and click on black 


now it's one continuous shape going from left all all the way to the right and then we can grab our eyedropper tool hit X on our keyboard to switch to stroke and now just color drop on that stroke and now it's going all the way from left to right now that is really cool and everything but for some reason I just like this better at the top and I think that it fits a little bit more in line with what astrobrite does and you can play around with the angle right here my default is usually 135 and if you want you can reverse the gradient actually kind of like that best so we'll leave it like that and rather than going 100 black I'm going to go like maybe 15 black just to make it look a little bit more retro all right 


so let's grab this and we'll group all that together and I'm going to align this to the center I'm going to grab this whole unit right here align this to the center and I don't want it to be dead center vertically like this so I'm going to bring it to the center and then maybe go like this negative three inches and now we will align this to the very bottom of this and push it out maybe an inch or so that's a little too much maybe like half an inch there we go that's good okay so next we need to do our rotation so what we need to do here is when need to measure and figure out what this rotation is and it's really easy to do that so all we have to do is I'm just going to make this a black stroke right here and we're just going to go like from here to here and then I'm going to create a perfectly straight line going from here to here 


so now I'm going to select this bottom line hit r on my keyboard and hold down option and bring these little crosshairs over to here on this side and then that'll bring up our rotation and we will rotate this up to looks like 20 degrees so we'll just make sure that that rotates at 20 degrees all right that's looking great but what we need to do is we need to make sure that this is going to the edge of the paper so I'm going to add a line up here and this is really just going to act as a guide I'm going to lock that line real quick and now I'm going to hit a on my keyboard to activate the direct selection tool and we're going to select just the left side of These Bars and we want to make sure that it stays in line with everything and that's what that line is for all right 


now we can hit unlock and delete that so there's our Astro bright poster right there and let's just add something like new album summer 2023 because that's all they've told us all right the kerning is done there and now I just want to bring this up to I actually really like when it's tight like that in between the the lines okay so we'll move this down here to the bottom and then bring it in by like negative one inch or so looking good and we'll set our Anchor Point to the bottom right and we'll just make it go like an inch or something like that all right and let's color drop this black right here with that same that same black color all right so our very last step is going to be to mask the artwork inside of the poster itself so all we have to do to do that is click on our background I'm going to hit copy and paste in front


 now I'm going to go up here to object arrange and bring to front move this over here just for a second and I'm going to go back to our original background and lock that and now bring this back over and align it to the center and then select everything right here and just do command 7 on my keyboard and that's going to mask everything on the inside of this so there it is our Astro bright promo album for the new album coming out in summer 2023 whenever that is all right well thank you so much for watching I really hope I taught you something in illustrator today if you like this video please hit like And subscribe and click the bell for notifications to be notified of all future videos thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time bye


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